shingis231, zZacharyChad and haymansafc #sexist

women will never what it REALLY feels like to...

1.Be really lonely

2.Be really rejected

3.Be really undesirable

4.Having to work hard to get relationships and be interesting.

5.Having to carry a conversation

6.Be unloved

7.Be an incel

women are boring and barely have personalities and can't carry a conversation and simply immitate but have life on super easy mode while they complain about being rejected by a chad with 20 7/10 normies trying to lick their buttholes

1. Worry about saying the right things and acting in a way that will ensure their partner sticks around. Stacy can say and do anything and will be forgiven.
2. Go through long stretches (years) where they have no sex or ever get any at all.
3. Pressure to make more money than the opposite gender and be able to solely support a partner or entire family.
4. Constantly having to be stoic and manly, whilst Stacy can be a blubbering bafoon who gets all the support in the world. And her value isn't lowered due to being an emotional mess.
5. To be in a relationship and have no backup whatsoever. To be a beta that begs the woman to stay because they know they have little to no options. Stacy will drop a man at the drop of a hat.
6. Drowning your sorrows in alcohol due to the opposite gender. Especially after a break up.
7. Having to be charming, entertaining, and witty in order to get and keep a so.
8. Making a firm decision. Stacy can never make up her mind and won't offer good suggestions. Everything is on the man and he must make all decisions.
9. Being rejected 20 times in a row.

I'd like to add the following:

1. Be a virgin over the age of about 18

2. Be accused of being 'picky' for not fancying someone who's 0/10.

3. Be rejected simply for the fact that she's a virgin.

4. Have to see what it's like to have zero options.

The truth is that women hold the key to relationships and they are indeed responsible when it comes to creating chances - of which then shows her hypergamy by only allowing the same types of men to have positive attention.

This is a very real problem and men are now being left behind because of stigmas and unfair stereotypes they're expected to reach.

Sadly, the mainstream media still remain largely ignorant to this fact whenever it comes to dating or relationship stories.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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