Alia_Harkonnen #sexist

If a female turned into a heterosexual male but otherwise kept the same mind and personality, she'd be the most brain damaged incel out there

A female living like a hetero male would never be able to attract a single female. With all that incredible in depth knowledge they think they have about their species, they'd only repulse. Their personal dishonesty and submissive nature would turn them into such betas that other women wouldn't even want them as gay friends.

On top of that, men would never want to be friends with them either because without a cunt no one in their right or fucked up mind would be able to listen to them talk.

That combined with no more attention and random niceness from strangers, people fascinated by their artistic selfies or bits of wisdom, catcallers, helpful acquaintances etc would lead to complete mental breakdown and severe loneliness that would lead her either to suicide (unsuccessful at first, but when it gets no attention or sympathy maybe a successful one), or mental asylum.

I don't even wish special torture or creative scenarios to harm women, i'd just like each of them to meet reality, not the one orbiters and white knights built for them.



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