Horseshoe Theory Award II

Disagreeing is insane: the one thing all fundies agree on

Bob #fundie

Atheists can't be blamed for their arrogance because atheism is nothing but a mental disorder . As a recent medical study in scientific American showed , atheists have trouble with teleological thoughts .

We have to be more compassionate and empathetic of atheists and instead push the government to fund more studies on the mental disorder of atheism in order to help them cope better and one day become normal human beings instead of the delusional lunatics they are today . We have to love them and be empathetic to their disorder.

Why are we caring towards people with other mental illnesses and intolerant of the mental disorder of atheism. Only with love , better medical diagnosis and better therapies can we help them become normal again .



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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