datingsitescausesui #conspiracy

/r/incels is one of the only subreddits on reddit that isn't an echo chamber

An echo chamber is a place that only allows certain opinions, for example, /r/shitredditsays will ban you for any non-liberal opinions. Post one and you will be banned as soon as a mod sees it. /r/incels does not do this, different opinions are very common here and even the very feminist ones that most incels disagree with are allowed.

Other subreddits while allowing different opinions, will mass downvote those with different opinions. Posting 5 different opinions than the majority will get most user's karma in to the negatives, making it not possible for the them to post on many subreddits. Or those who care about karma will get discouraged from commenting. /r/incels does not do this, it's very rare for a comment from a non-incel to go under -5. It is a bit common for an incel, but most incels don't mind after months of getting downvoted. If this was happening to non-incels, many would be discouraged from commenting making it an echo chamber of opinions, like /r/thebluepill, which is 100% feminist opinions at all times.

/r/incels isn't an echo chamber. The subreddits that claim we are, are. To name a few: /r/askreddit, /r/thebluepill, /r/niceguys, /r/justneckbeardthings, /r/cringeanarchy.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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