Bryan Fischer #fundie

Rainbow jihadists of SCOTUS blow up twin towers of truth and righteousness

From a moral standpoint, 6/26 has become our 9/11.

On this day, June 26, 2015, five justices of the Supreme Court became moral jihadists who blasted the twin pillars of truth and righteousness into rubble. They did this by imposing sodomy-based marriage on the United States through an act of judicial tyranny.

We the people have ceased to be our own rulers and are now serfs on a plantation run by cultural elites wearing black robes who use their gavels like the slaveholders of old used whips, to lash uppity social conservatives into abject submission.

June 26, 2015 is a date which will live in infamy.

It is a day on which behavior which is an abomination in the eyes of a holy God was normalized, promoted, celebrated and imposed on an a nation built on the foundation of the Judeo-Christian tradition. On this day, the United States become Sodom and Gomorrah.

On June 26, 2015, I saw Satan dancing with delight. For this is the day the music died in the United States of America.

The homosexual lobby, the Gay Gestapo, has drawn an equivalency between support for natural marriage and racism. To oppose sexual deviancy is, in their twisted, contorted and devious thinking, no different than supporting slavery and segregation.

What this means, my fellow conservatives, is that on this day, we all became Bull Connor. It’s time to wake up and smell the napalm.

What can be done to restore moral sanity to America’s public policy?

For one thing, there are governors in 31 states whose people have elevated protection for natural marriage to their state constitutions. Each one of these governors took an oath to uphold and defend his state’s constitution and its protection for natural marriage.

The federal Constitution is absolutely silent on the subject of marriage, which means, according to the Constitution the Founders bequeathed to us, that defining marriage is an issue reserved for the states. The Supreme Court has no moral, legal, ethical or constitutional authority to impose its own twisted view of marriage on any state in the country.

Every governor in every one of these states took a solemn and sacred oath to uphold and defend both the federal constitution and the constitution of his own state. But not a single governor anywhere took an oath to uphold the unconstitutional rulings of the Supreme Court. Their oath is to the Constitution, not to black-robed oligarchs and any benighted, unconstitutional and immoral rulings they might issue.

So the great need of the hour is for a principled and courageous governor to uphold his oath of office by issuing an order that no same-sex marriage licenses will be issued in his state.

The second thing that must be done is for conservatives to give unhesitating and unflinching support to Ted Cruz’s proposed amendment to the federal constitution, an amendment which would protect the sovereign and constitutional right of every state to define marriage for itself.

Since such a proposed amendment will require a two-thirds vote in each house of Congress, every congressman and every congressional candidate must be asked today whether he will vote for that amendment when it comes to the floor of either the House or the Senate. Amendments do not require the president’s signature, so President Obama can be entirely bypassed.

Not only every congressional candidate but every GOP candidate for the presidency must be asked today whether he will campaign daily for this amendment and make it a focus of the 2016 campaign. Any presidential candidate who is not willing to put his shoulder to the wheel on this issue is not worth a single conservative vote.

[All bolding is from the original text]



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