Ghostrider #fundie

The "Patriarchy" is a God given right. The "Patriarchy" reflects the Trinity: Father, Son, Holy Spirit. All evil/false religions are based on a Matriarchy. Liberalism is Satanism. Satan wants to do everything in reverse that God did. A matriarchy is the opposite of patriarchy. Through Liberalism, there has been a slow progressive push to allow for women to have special rights when it comes to anything in society. If they want to pop out 3 bastard kids and have it paid for by man, then they can do that. If they want to kill an unborn kid, then they can make that call and not the father. If they want to have a career and have a big $100K+ job in the corporate world, then affirmative action will make it so. If they want to have an endless string of boyfriends and endless string of sex partners, social engineering will make it so by "normalizing" such behavior through such nationally broadcasted 'sex in the city' types of mainstream media movies and shows and music. If a woman wants to file for divorce because she wants to go have sex with more men, then 'no fault' divorce makes it as easy as 1-2-3. And again, mainstream media will normalize divorce and even celebrate it to encourage such abominations against God.

The more independent men are, then smaller the government. The more 'independent' women are, the bigger the government. Women have NOT achieved any of this on their own. It took global elites to change and establish laws in society backed by military / police force and a court system to ensure women are given special rights. Women seem to think they did this all on their own and are truly "beating men" in life as if that's how it should have been all along.

In a nutshell, the story of Adam and Even has more truth than most realize. The "Eve's" of today are willingly believing the social engineering lies fed to them through mainstream media, and then taking the apple essentially selling mankind out to the overall end game goal of global enslavement.

Women have not achieved anything. If I were a global elite, I could finance politicians to establish laws that would allow for dogs to have special rights in society beyond man. Could the dogs achieve this on their own? Of course not. To collect welfare and have mankind pay for a single mom's kids is theft no different than stealing a car. When that single mom is standing before God one day at the day of judgement, she'll be told go stand next to the rest of the thieves. She won't understand why until she finally realizes that by accepting welfare money that she has participated in theft and she is no better than any thief that robbed a liquor store.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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