Led Zeppelin #conspiracy shroomery.org

This is really ridiculous people. Can't we have just water please? Please? we are seriously being forced to drink fluoride and nobody gives a shit. what the fuck. our government is putting fluoride in the water.

they are also pushing for lithium and prozac in the water (dont believe me research it. THE WHITE HOUSE SCIENCE CZAR wrote a book called Eco Science in which he states that he wants to put lithium in your water. dont believe me read the fucking book). And don't worry its already in there they are just going public with it right now.

So lets just say for a minute that you all believe me that the world is controlled by the Bilderberg Group and corporations. and lets say you believe me they want population control (which Henry Kissinger has said he does and he attends the Bilderberg Group and that's just one example). Lets say you also agree with me that Fluoride is one of the chemicals they are using for population control to make people infertile. WOULDN'T PUTTING IT IN THE WATER, TOOTHPASTE, AND MOUTHWASH BE THE BEST WAY TO GET IT INTO THE PEOPLES BODIES. YES OR NO?

I mean come on people... it says on the fucking toothpaste thing if you swallow too much to call poison control. what the fuck does that tell you. so many studies have shown this shit is fucking poison. and now there are so many of these criminals pushing for prozac and lithium in the water (don't believe me just research it). You guys saw the fucking headlines on the shroomery not too long ago about the prozac coming off our water effecting the shrimp and making them suicidal.

Do you people know why they want to put lithium in the water. its to make you servile! its to make you passive! dont you get it! its so obvious!

So I would like everyone who posts here to say whether they support fluoride in the water and the proposed lithium and prozac in the water. Because it is happening. ITS NOT A FUCKING CONSPIRACY!!!! THE WHITE HOUSE SCIENCE CZAR PEOPLE!!! ITS IN HIS BOOK ECO SCIENCE!!!



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