Savitri and Ravi Kumar #ableist #psycho

Police in south India have arrested a couple after the woman allegedly threw their deaf and nonverbal 6-year-old son into a crocodile infested canal, leading to the child's death.

The incident happened in the Dandeli rural area of Karnataka state on Saturday, according to police, who told CBS News that Savitri, 26, who uses only one name, threw her son into a local canal after an argument with her husband.


"We found the child's body from the canal on Sunday morning," Karnataka Police sub-inspector Krishna Arakeri, who is investigating the case, told CBS News. "There were several injury marks on the child's body and one hand was missing, which seems to have been eaten by a crocodile."

During preliminary questioning, Savitri told police that her husband, Ravi Kumar, 27, would often blame her for their son's disabilities and urge her to throw him into the river, Arakeri said.

TM #magick #ufo #conspiracy

The Cosmic Conundrum

Let Me See If I’ve Got This Straight…

In Order To Overcome Humanity’s Cosmic Conunndrum;
Humanity Must Choose To Raise Our Collective Consciousness…
In Order To Choose Unity
We Must Release Our Self
From Within This Ego Construct…

Our Individual ,Planetary As Well As Our Universal Liberation
Is In Conjunction
With The Cognitive Liberation Of Our Negative ThoughtForms That Have Been
SuperImposed Upon Our Collective Psyche And Societies Within This Artificial Construct By Our Matrix Overlords

Of OurSelves As Well As Others
Is The Key Towards Unity Consciousness
And As Guardians Of The Galaxy
It Is Our Duty To Set The Example For Others To Follow
Thereby Releasing Humanity From
The Weaponization Of Duality
Which In Turn Has Kept Us All EnSlaved.

In Order To Overcome Evil
One Must Learn To Forgive Those That Have Embraced Evil, Whether Knowingly Or Not, So As To Negate The Negativity. Because We Must Come To Terms That To Fight Evil Will Cause Us To Embrace Evil.
Don’t Feed The Darkness…


Dennis Nappi II #crackpot #magick #ufo #conspiracy

Through this work, you will find that you are not alone in your experiences – as the author delivers validation to your most fearful spiritual encounters. Food for the Archonsbrings to light the collective vulnerability of the human condition. However, you will come to find that when you peel back the veil, what was once your greatest weakness is actually the source of your long-forgotten power, and a beacon of hope for yourself and all mankind.

Through research, experience, and intuition, the author explores the following:

We live in a simulated reality that exists within multiple layers of simulations

We are all connected to this universe via an electromagnetic field that allows for psychic communication.

Due to our ignorance of this connection, we are being manipulated through this field to produce suffering, which serves as a source of energetic nourishment for an unseen parasite.

Knowledge of this field and our connection to it can lead us to liberation and a reduction of suffering on this planet.

This book explores the potential of human consciousness to access information beyond the 5-senses via an electromagnetic field generated by the human heart. It is through our ignorance of this field, however, that mankind's thoughts, behaviors, and emotions are being heavily influenced and manipulated. We live in a simulated reality that exists within multiple layers of simulations.

We are all connected to this universe via an electromagnetic field that allows for psychic communication, healing, and the acquisition of knowledge. Due to our ignorance of this connection, we are being manipulated through this field to produce suffering, which serves as a source of energetic nourishment for an unseen parasite. Knowledge of this field and our connection to it can lead us to liberation and a reduction of suffering on this planet.

by sonofabiscuiteater #fundie

[Atheism is the height of arrogance]

Atheism is the height of arrogance for it says: "If I cannot fathom God, then God does not exist." You seem to glibly dismiss the fact that you live in a world wholly limited by your five senses, or by your brains limited capacity to develop instruments to reach a little beyond your senses, and thus are as unaware of what the total sum of reality may be as one who limited by eyesight, only sees visible light and thus categorically denies that a whole range from infrared to ultraviolet light does not--indeed CANNOT exist--because you cannot sense it. In fact, you mock that which you do not understand for no other reason than you cannot understand it. And to mock 95% of the people on the globe who sense - not without reason - that a higher power than themselves may be at work in theat same universe to me is the height of foolishness... and arrogance

Tatsuya Ishida #racist

[From “May 4, 2024: Jew Hatred 2”]


Panel 1: a bald man with large ears is singing “I can't make you love me” and “If you don't”
Panel 2: the same man is singing “You can't make your heart fell” and “Sometimes it won't” in front of "JEW" written on a wall with light bulbs
Panel 3: the same man is singing “Here in the dark in these final hours”, “I will lay down the law” and “And take over power”
Panel 4: the same man is concluding with “So I can jail you” and “Yes I will jail you” while sniffling. Below is the legend “Nosferatu - 'I Can't Make You Love Me So I'm Going To Jail You' - Talmud Records”

Wayne Allyn Root #conspiracy #dunning-kruger #wingnut

I recently gave a speech about open borders, why it's happening, who benefits, and what's behind it — "the great replacement." My speech was delivered at a conservative conference put on by and attended by sheriffs from across the USA.

My speech brought down the house and ended with a standing ovation. That's what happens when people get to hear raw truth. It's so rare.

You need to hear the details from my speech below — raw truth in writing, so you can study it, memorize it and share it.

And of course, you can watch the speech here:

But it's important to note how my speech has been demonized and shadow-banned by the media and social media. They don't want you to see it. They're clearly scared to death of raw truth.

NBC called it "racist." On X (formerly Twitter), Facebook and other social media, few can see my speech, or my posts about it. I might be the most censored conservative patriot in America.

Crypto Whale #fundie

1. STOIC (being calm and almost without any emotion.)
No feelings, No emotion,
prudence, justice, fortitude, and temperance.
(Or if you prefer: wisdom, morality, courage, and moderation.)
Stoicism holds that the key to a good, happy life is the cultivation of an excellent mental state, which the Stoics identified with virtue and being rational. The ideal life is one that is in harmony with Nature, of which we are all part, and an attitude of calm indifference towards external events.
2. LACK OF LOVE ~ teaches compassion only as the highest virtue.
3. PASSIVE ~ We are just part of this Karmic universe, Cause and Effect. We are the effect of some cause, ie, we were born because our parents made love . . .
4. SELFISH ~ Does not concern about other important things, (example, the origin of the universe, the nature of the self as a body with a soul or mind, And the nature of God or Creator or Prime Mover, or the nature of the spirit) is only concerned of the self reaching enlightenment, nirvana
5. ATHEISTIC ~ Doesn't concern himself about god, more accurately, AGNOSTIC .
6. NO SOUL 无我 , ANATTA , NON-SELF ~ The self is just a tiny little part of a bigger reality in the universe.

Samurai #homophobia #dunning-kruger #elitist

99% of sexhavers are secretly gay (Scientific proof)

When a woman blows her bf/husband, very often, the man will kiss her after that and even full on makeout with her. He's literally kissing and making out with his own private parts and traces of his own ejaculate.

Meanwhile, us Incels have class and would never interact in such faggotry.

Decapoleis #fundie #homophobia

[On the topic of a piece of student artwork depicting religious trauma]

Not all parents are happy to show their children blasphemous works. It's a question of freedom of education, which is why I much prefer public schools to public ones: don't like your child's school choices? Send him to another one, the market is free!

Being LGBT is hardly blasphemous, and your usage of freedom of education is equally flawed. Your school is prohibited from discriminating against you based on religious beliefs, as clearly outlined in the First Amendment. It's the school that would be in violation, not the so-called "blaspheming" artist.

I was not talking about LGBT, the promotion of which is anti-biblical anyway, so I would understand if LGBT art were banned in a context where all or most people were Christian. By blasphemy I meant the blood-stained rosary.

And I'm not American, so I don't know about American amendments.

Cheryl Chumley #wingnut #fundie #racist #homophobia

Christians Against Christian Nationalism, a movement driven by church leaders and executives of faith-based groups, just put pen to paper to warn Americans that “Christian nationalism” is becoming a concern because, in their words, it often serves as a cover for “white supremacy and racial subjugation.”
Sounds dire. Until you peer past the curtain, that is.

This is a campaign led by far-left types who use their religious positions to push their far-left ideas.
This is a campaign filled with self-proclaiming Christians whose Christian ideals and beliefs are, in strict biblical teaching, very un-Christian.

Hmm. Suddenly, the “Christian nationalism” they spit on becomes a pin the proud patriot, and particularly, the proud Christian patriot, should wear.

Among the “Christians Against Christian Nationalism” endorsers: There’s the Rev. Dr. Paul Baxley, executive coordinator of the Cooperative Baptist Fellowship, who supported the CBF’s opening of doors to gay church employees.
There’s Sister Simone Campbell, executive director of the Network Lobby for Catholic Social Justice, who openly backed the pro-LGBTQ bill, H.R. 5, The Equality Act, that would have barred discrimination based on “sex, gender identity and sexual orientation” — and who denounced President Donald Trump’s crackdown on refugees as “antithetical to our faith.”

There’s Tony Campolo, a founder of the Red Letter Christian Movement, who called for “full acceptance of Christian gay couples into the church,” as he put it, in June of 2015.
There’s Patrick Carolan, executive director of Franciscan Action Network, who just joined with more than 100 civil rights activists and social justice leaders to “pledge solidarity with LGBTQ Catholic school teachers,” Metro Weekly reported.

There’s Paula Dempsey, director of partner relations with Alliance for Baptists, who in 2017 said her staff were “thrilled” at the hiring of a lesbian couple to serve as senior members of a Washington, D.C., church — and that she hoped other churches would “have ministers who would identify as members of the LGBTQ community.”
There’s more. Many more.

But the big question is this: Just how “Christian” is this “Christians Against Christian Nationalism” movement in the first place?

After all, if these CACN types see the Bible as their rally call to fight against borders — which is another way of bucking the rule of law — why can’t they see it’s this same Bible that makes clear homosexuality, to God, is an abomination?

Grain, meet salt.

Or maybe, more to the point, conservatives, meet the newest leftist attack. It’s far-left ideology masked as religious righteousness. And it’s as wicked as it is clever.

An example? Here’s one. So when CACN endorsers write that “conflating religious authority with political authority is idolatrous and often leads to oppression of minority and other marginalized groups,” they’re not referring, say, to Sharia law, and how its Muslim adherents, working within the confines of government, toss homosexuals off buildings, or publicly cane women for the crime of walking in public without a face covering. No. They’re talking about Christian conservatives who stand for the rule of law.

They’re talking about Christian conservatives who believe in traditional marriage.

They’re talking about Trump, his supporters and those who believe in border controls.

They’re trying to draw moral equivalencies between religions that behead those of different faiths and religions of those in the Republican Party.

CACN endorsers say this: “Patriotism does not require us to minimize our religious convictions.” And this: “People of all faiths and none have the right and responsibility to engage constructively in the public square.”

They mean this: “Leave Rep. Omar Ilhan alone.”

They forget this: America was founded on Judeo-Christian principles, with an emphasis on both the importance of the individual and the concept of original sin that are spelled out in the Bible. From there sprang our governing documents.

Truly, it’s easy to keep Christian preaching out of the public square. It’s easy to confine the formal teaching of the Bible from a religious perspective to Sunday morning pews.

What’s not so easy, though, is to remove Judeo-Christian principles from our government — while still keeping the government our founders envisioned intact. Bluntly put, the country would crumble from within without its moral compass of Judeo-Christian teachings, without its base values of Ten Commandments principles, without its guiding belief of individual rights coming from God, not government.

Without its borders.

Without its traditions, and yes, traditional values. Traditional, biblically sound values.

Calling out such viewpoints as Christian nationalism, either subtly or overtly, is to deride our entire nation.
The takeaway is this: On CAGN, beware the wolves in sheep’s clothing.

Jude3b #fundie #homophobia

President Bush is right to call for a Constitutional amendment... The Homosexuals are out of control and they should be put in jail for civil disobedience, along with the mayors and judges who have permitted this disgrace called Homosexual marriage to go on for the past few weeks. Fellow believers, please pray for our country. We have become Sodom and Gomorrah and I beg God to have mercy on us. Amen.

doug in jax fl #fundie #homophobia

excuse me, but what is so hard to understand when the bible describes the act? man lying with man as he would a woman. homosexuality, just as it is with sex between heterosexuals before marriage, is a sin. Jesus even said that looking at someone with lust in your heart is the same as adultery. even if someone is a "closet" homosexual that has never acted on it, their thoughts of lust is the same thing. people want to hang on to their sin and never want to let it go. the point about GOd's love and the lenghts He went to to prove it, even the greatest sinner isn't too far for Him to redeem and make a new creature. He is the one who made you, knows everything about you, and still loves you. despite knowing our sins, that we'd reject Him, and that He had to die for His plan of remeption to be fulfilled, He still gave up His life and took our place on the cross. the main reason why people don't want to accept His forgiveness is because they would have to admit that they're a sinner in need of that redemption.

Steve D. Bates #fundie #homophobia

Not only God but it has been proven by the secular world to also be an unhealthy relationship for or I should say and healthy home life for children to be first into. Of all the various types of Home environments for children to be in but where ever studied Williams was homosexual pairs are at the bottom.

The only thing I might have rated lower, if they checked it, but I really don't think they did, would be if the home was a place where both parents abused Alcohol and Other Drugs. I believe they did take the criteria that the involved adults were non habitual drug users which would include alcohol, whether heterosexual or homosexual.

JellyJuice #fundie #homophobia

This is absolutely sick. Being homosexual is not a sin.

Only actions can be sins.

If I did a genetic test and my baby was homosexual I'd tell him about it from the beginning and tell him that he's going to face unclean urges and that he must not act on them and must be celibate. I'd try to get him into the priesthood to make it more likely that he'd choose a celibate life.

Iruntherace4Him #fundie

I can't explain everything in the Harry Potter series, I just know that it is evil. I know because I use to dabble in the paranormal before I was converted . Its designed to seduce children, its pathway is to demonic influences, its designer is Satan...There's Nothing new under the sun , its just a repackaged seduction and indoctrination to the evil one for the 21st century. Why does it surprise anyone that a person like our President would be so fond of the story for his little girls? He is no Christian,but Michele's Mother is said to be one. So let us pray she has some influence there in that White House.

firenati0n #wingnut

Harry potter is an excellent pro-lifer literature.
I always thought women should have control over her body, however, after reading Harry potter, my views changed for the better.

Imagine if Lily potter aborted Harry, who would have stopped the onslaught of voldemort? The child who stood up to voldemort would be no longer there. Voldemort would have committed a magical holocaust against us muggles.

The weasleys had so many kids, they could have easily offed a few of them to stop descending into poverty. However they chose not to and they ended up with some of the most lovable bastards on the series. Could you imagine if ron, fred or george was aborted (Percy dont count lol). Their potential would have gone without a trace in history.

Same thing can be said of Hagrid. He was the product of union between a man and a giant. Yet they did not abort the unholy creation. Why? Because they valued life and potential of that life (however little it may be).

JK Rowling did a fantastic job of creating characters that could have been aborted at birth, however through trials and tribulation they overcame their shortcoming and became heroes. Ms Rowling's work places a strong case for us pro-lifers

Eugenicist #sexist

[Story] Help me with my list of female interests that I'm trying to record down

Trying to get all of them down so I can use it to know what I come to expect with foids so I can control them easier/ in a funnier context.

Staying fit
Hating on bad food
Loving good foods
Weight Watching
Hating ugly people
Harry Potter
Zodiac/ Astrology
Hand reading
Judging people

Did I miss anything?

(comments here and here)

Lila Rose #forced-birth #wingnut


30-year-old pro-life activist Lauren Handy has just been sentenced to 57 months in federal prison for handing roses and resources to women at an abortion facility,

Meanwhile, abortionists who dismember and kill children walk free.

A grave injustice!
1:00 AM · May 15, 2024 · 334.6K Views
1,720 Reposts 204 Quotes 5,536 Likes 158 Bookmarks

Terry #fundie

I am always irritated when something good happens –like a bountiful crop occurs due to perfect weather conditions, or there is a miraculous rescue of a submarine crew, or when a child wedged at the bottom of a tiny shaft is plucked from certain death, to see the media praise the ingenuity of humanistic endeavor, yet hear the same media call a disaster an “act of God” any time something bad happens, like a tornado, earthquake, or hurricane.

State of the Nation Editor #racist #wingnut #conspiracy

The following exposé is as detailed as it gets where it concerns the concealed workings of the Black Nobility-run global power structure.
It also lays bare those who populate the peak of the pinnacle of the world power pyramid. The bloodlines of these Illuminati families go back to the Babylonian Banking Cartel, millennia before the coming of Jesus the Christ.
All of the mafia crime families described below are relatively low-level on the totem pole of real power and influence because we know their names. In other words, they’re merely mafia muscle for the extremely well concealed power-brokers who populate the ultra-secret upper echelons of the Khazarian Mafia. This ubiquitous international crime syndicate then answers to the even more clandestine and powerful Khazarian Cabal.
What becomes quite apparent from even a cursory scan of the list below is that many of the wealthiest mafia crime families come from the European Black Nobility, and especially from the Northern Italian Black Nobility. That’s because the Roman Empire model was utilized by the Khazarian Cabal to carve up the whole world into crime territories by which to rape, pillage and plunder the entire planetary civilization.
The original Khazarians were a very crude and coarse, crass and cruel people (think: Yiddish–their secret crime language). Being an amalgamation of Turkic, Mongolian and highly inbred Hebrew bloodlines they were also quite ugly, unhealthy and extremely boorish (think: hooked noses and beady eyes). Being exceedingly tribal in nature, the many centuries of practicing incest and multi-generational inbreeding only caused them to become more mentally deranged and emotionally unhinged causing all manner of psychiatric illnesses/psychological disorders. Hence, it ought to be no wonder that the Khazarian Cabal was so determined to intermarry with the highly cultured and refined Northern Italians who appeared to have it all.

Lev #crackpot #magick #ufo #conspiracy

On 5 May 2024, Co-Creators passed an interim point in another ops’ series. Started in Georgia and Armenia, and carried out by stages, it had two main aims. The first was the removal of retro-karma, remained in the Earth’s field after the crucifixion of Christ. The second was the construction of new channels on a Subtle Plane and, through them, anchoring of infrastructural energies 3.85-3.9D, 4D and 5D on the planet. They also cause the powerful Solar flares of X-Class, which occur almost daily and sometimes several times within 24 hours.

Briefly about retro-karma, the problems it caused, and why Co-Creators chosen Georgia and Armenia for operations. Recall that Christ took upon Self all the karma of humanity at that time to work out and free from it the Souls, which incarnated on 3D Earth. For the complete success of the mission, Mary Magdalene, His wife and dipole, joined Him, ready to share the fate with husband. But when found out about her second pregnancy, she scared. Not for own life, but for the child. He started annihilating karma not only of men, but also of all women.
Ops in Georgia and Armenia were especially important not only because of the unique structures of these countries on a Subtle Plane. At the beginning of the 4th century of the new era, they were the first to convert to Christianity, saved the Savior’s relics and their peculiar energy field.
Both team leaders assimilated the Absolutes’ Primary Aspects, but not activated. Their light up was launched at midnight, at the beginning of the Christ Channel descent and spreading over Earth, and the next day reached the peak, bursting into a bright glow. By Absolutes’ request, their Aspects were settled in the ground team’s Logos, where fully fused into integral whole. Previously, its core housed aspects of the Pleroma’s Supreme Hierarchs, Primary Light Archons, Archangels, Ascended Masters, Logos of Galaxies and the Local Universe, which energetically supported the operation.

Donald Trump Jr. #conspiracy #wingnut

Hahahahahahahahahahaha but statistically almost impossible to not be true. For the record I did not/will not suicide myself!!!
imageImage of Happy Mother’s Day to all you “killer’ moms” out there! & Chelsea & Hillary Clinton
12:45 PM · May 13, 2024 · 305.6K Views
1,918 Reposts 111 Quotes 11.4K Likes 103 Bookmarks

Eivind Berge #sexist

Tom Grauer is not only our leader; he is also a most excellent lexicographer: "Ephebophile – A man who suffers from aspergers syndrome and who, due to his handicap, wrongly takes other men’s denials of interest in teenage girls as literal, thus believing himself to be ‘special’."

NutNotBusted #sexist

In my opinion (which is also the opinion of a lot of people), love is chemistry at work in your brain, it is a temporary feeling that lasts only a few months. Love is always portrayed is jew propaganda which normies call "movies" or "television" to brainwash the masses. In 2018 love is not only deployed in a monogamous relationship but also is present in a poly relationship. The reality is that this "love" stuff can only be felt by a roastie if she is dicked by an aggressive alpha low inhibition Chad, love is not stuff for low status ugly incels.

Geoffrey Grider #fundie #wingnut #conspiracy

The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) in the US issued the Severe G4 Geomagnetic Storm Watch late Thursday – the first such alert aired since 2005 when Earth was hit with the highest dose of radiation in a half-century. This time around, the ‘unusual event’ could disrupt electronic devices like GPS and parts of power grids, the American agency said – while citing how it may also drape a huge portion of the country in a spectacular circle of light. Just when you thought the news couldn’t get answer worse, welcome to Day 1,516 of 15 Days To Flatten The Curve.

“And there shall be signs in the sun, and in the moon, and in the stars; and upon the earth distress of nations, with perplexity; the sea and the waves roaring;” Luke 21:25 (KJB)

On this episode of the NTEB Prophecy News Podcast, while the whole world is debating about man-made-climate change as the ‘worst threat to our existence’, it seems very few people are paying any attention to the Maker of our climate, He who even the winds and the waves obey. ‘Geomagnetic storms can impact infrastructure in near-Earth orbit and on Earth’s surface,’ the statement went on, stating how the storm could ‘potentially disrupt communications, the electric power grid, navigation, radio and satellite operations.’ It also could ‘wipe out the internet’ for some, scientists further warned – as NOAA upped the Geomagnetic Storm Watch from Moderate to Severe for Friday through Sunday late Thursday. Oh, the things you don’t know when you don’t have a King James Bible. Today we bring you this breaking solar storm that may, or may not, wreak havoc on Planet Earth, along with everything else you need to know about what’s happening here in the closing moments of the Church Age!

DarkLordoftheSith #fundie

The basis of Evolution is that it must exist in a static, infinite universe. However, the universe is actually decellerating, or slowing down, as if it has bounced off of a wall. this means that the universe is non-static, and therefore disproves evolution.

i think God put apes on earth so we see something the way he sees us.

Jason Lisle #fundie

When a person is asleep, he or she cannot feel or care what happens. Would if be okay in your worldview to assassinate someone as long as that person is sleeping? You see, your worldview just cannot make sense of morality. You instinctively that people have more value than plants and even animals, because you know in your heart-of-hearts that people are made in the image of God. You keep repeating the Christian principle of doing unto others as we would have them do unto us. But that principle makes no sense whatsoever in an evolutionary worldview.]

Scarlets79 #fundie

It seems there is no evidence for atheism. No evidence of any sort- scientific or otherwise. It makes little sense for the truth to have no evidence at all to support it. Therefore atheism can't be truth. It has no supporting evidence, nothing at all.
Don't bother protesting you don't need evidence, and defining your beliefs in such a way that does not require any. Truth would have evidence to support it.

David J. Stewart #conspiracy #quack

G. Edward Griffin narrates his movie World Without Cancer. In it, Griffin marshals the evidence that cancer is a deficiency disease – like scurvy or pellagra – aggravated by the lack of an essential food compound in modern man's diet. That substance is vitamin B17. In its purified form developed for cancer therapy, it is known as Laetrile.


The Hoax Of The "Proven" Cancer Cures The effects of surgery and radiation in the treatment of cancer; a comparison showing that those who receive no treatment at all live just as long, if not longer, than those who are treated.

Laetrile and Cyanide Read about the life saving substance called cyanide.

Tarmac #fundie

If I abandon a Christian worldview, I see no plausible reason - other than purely selfish reasons - to be a Moral person. In fact, [and I know this will be contraversial] but I believe that many of these crimes are strictly due to a lack of the Christian worldview, although, paradoxically I find that many Christians [?] engage is such activities. If Christianity is proven false, do what you wanna do, as long as you come out alive and on top, Who cares... pure Hedonism is championed. Does that answer your question?

Anonymous #fundie

God is real. Evelution cannot make us what we are. If evelution was real why are there apes? Wouldn’t they be evolved too? God has no beging and no ending. I know that’s hard for us to belive but that’s ’cause we’re imperfect humans that will die. We don’t go to heaven either. If we were to wouldn’t we be made there?

If you’re wondering yes I’m a Jehovah Witnesse. (No were not a cult. A culd is the KKK)

anonymous #fundie

Know the way to make people convinced to be a Christian is to start burning the wicked people at the stake publicly like they used to do with the witches. People need to wake up from their demon fog. the 80% of the population that believes in God needs to start taking that other 20% doesn't and burning them at the stake I guarantee you that will put some belief in t real damn fast.

J.K. Rowling #transphobia

Joanne, Joanne, Joanne, let me explain, Joanne, what your books mean, Joanne, because, Joanne, here’s a Joanne quote that means men, Joanne, can be women, Joanne, and I hope, Joanne, you realise, Joanne, how very Joanne wrong, Joanne, you are, Joanne, and also Jo.

various commenters #transphobia

RE: Dylan Mulvaney gets his passport marked as 'female'. Takes to social media to smugly gloat

( Spencer_Shayy )
It's amazing how "trans" people can break the law and not suffer consequences for it.

Falsify federal documents? $5,000 fine or jailed for 5 years.

Dope up on drugs while playing sports? Suspension for two years.

Do any of that when you say you're "trans"? Not only are you allowed to get away with it, you're applauded for it.

What's the word for being able to get away with things others can't? Starts with a p...

( Carrots90 )
Very good point

Add voyeurism and exhibitionism to that list

( IrissaIridium )
That video. 🤣 Dylan believes that words are magical and can transmute his body's small gamete- producing reproductive pathway and all the primary and secondary sex characteristics that come along with that. 😂 In fact, he's so confident that the magical letter in his passport has made him a woman that he doesn't even worry about showing up on cam with full five o'clock shadow anymore.

Here are some more "magical" words for you, Dylan:

🎶🪄 Salaca doo 🧚‍♂️

🎶🪄 La menthicka boo 🧚‍♂️

🎶🪄 La bibbidi-bobbidi-boo 🧚‍♂️

🎶🪄 Put 'em together 🧚‍♂️

🎶🪄 And what have you got? 🧚‍♂️

🎶🪄 Still a bibbidi-bobbidi-tool. 🍆😂

( Women1st )
I’m surprised he didn’t throw a bit and demand it say “girl.” I saw the Eloise skit he did. WTF? He acts like a pedo.

( DaddysLittlePickMe )
Spicy take time: I legit do not trust homosexual males, even the ones who aren't TiMs who call themselves 'girls'. Even if they're doing so uNiRoNiCaLlY. Bonus points if they're obsessed with girlish crap like care bears and male popstars obviously targeted towards tweens. It's giving autopedophilia. I have NEVER seen a lesbian woman who calls herself a boy and is obsessed with pokemon and roblox

Anonymous Coward #conspiracy #fundie #sexist #wingnut

Feminism is being used by the NWO/CIA/Pentagon/etc. as a military psychological weapon to control society

feminism as a military psychological weapon to control society

[link to]

feminism as a military psychological weapon to control society

Message To All so-called Patriot Americans: You Can't Handle The Truth

1. Current US child support laws were actually invented in the former communist Soviet Union.

2. Current child support laws are communist infiltrations into the united states of America.

feminism as a military psychological weapon to control society

Amerika the 4th Reich:


First thing communist countries do is put the women to work to take over the family unit. Increasing the workforce decreases wages - Economy101 - basic simple concepts of supply and demand. Women in the workforce doubled the workforce which decreased wages - (which was deceptively hidden thru deflation/the devaluing of the dollar).

(example: Let's say I own a factory. I have 500 employees knocking on my door everyday looking for work; I can then decrease wages and say, "If you don't like it there's the door. I have 500 ppl knocking on my door everyday looking for work." On the other hand, if I cannot find enough ppl to work in my factory, I would have to increase wages (if I can still make a profit.)
Read again from top now and Continue)...

That is why in the 1950's, the avg. American family lived fine on one income but today the avg. American family needs two incomes just to get by. Women in the workforce; feminism, just created more Taxpaying Slaves for The State resulting in the enslavement of the average American family unit.

Feminists are being used ... they have complained about power control freak men, husbands ... only to have it replaced by a Power-Control-Freak Totalitarian Police STATE. Create a (so-called) problem just to justify the excuse for more power to solve it is the oldest Dictator ploy in the book.

Either Fathers own their children or the STATE OWNS the children. Law of the Jungle; women look for the best Provider -- when the best Provider becomes the STATE (i.e. the Welfare State), she then marries (into) the STATE and now the STATE OWNS her children.

"Who owns the youth owns the future!" - Adolf Hitler ... thus the US Dept. of (in)Human(e) Services; Division of Family Destruction. Either the man/husband/father is the Head of His Household ... or the STATE is the HEAD of your Household! Attack the Family Unit = weaken society ... thus more STATE CONTROL. Cut the Head (man of the household) out - thus more STATE CONTROL = own the children thus more STATE CONTROL - breed ignorant society thus more STATE CONTROL.

Feminism = weaker men; weaker men = LESS RESISTANCE thus more STATE CONTROL.
Patriarchy = Men own their wives ... it's called a family unit ... it's called morality.

Feminism/matriarchy = everyone having sex with each others' women while still remaining "friends" like a bunch of ANIMALS! Feminism/matriarchy = village = socialism = tribalism = lowest form of civilization = NO SURPLUS = Deficit = Slavery.

Patriarchy = family unit = efficiency = prosperity = Individual Rights = opposite of socialism = Surplus = free time for great works/inventions ... i.e. immigrants who come here and prosper come from patriarchal family structures because Patriarchy = family unit = efficiency.

Name me one time when Government Sponsored Propaganda was not Totalitarian in Nature. Feminism is Government Sponsored Propaganda - to weaken society; weaken the family unit; weaken it's men ... for more STATE CONTROL.

Multiculturalism = everyone different (immigrants not "Americanized") = NO UNITY amongst society = Divide & Conquer/LESS RESISTANCE thus more STATE CONTROL.
Homosexuality + abortion = population control.

Population control techniques deployed at Americans + allowing more illegal immigrants into the country = higher % (of society) of a working slave force - cheap labor.

Racial Eugenics in AmeriKa:
The #1 Group to benefit from Affirmative Action are white women (thus) they are using mathematics to keep a large percentage of minority men DOWN
"He who rules mathematics rules the Universe"
This is the mathematics of racial eugenics.
This is the mathematics of the New World Order.

AmeriKa Today has 1/3 of the entire world's prison population and 78% of Amerikan prisoners are black men, and that is not even counting latino men.
If these black men were all let out of jail, there would not be enough jobs for them all.

The Shadow Government who is truly in Control of AmeriKa, wants and needs all these minority males in jail so that they can give half the good jobs to white women.

I am going to expose this evil to Non-White AmerIka. I am not against white people, I am against the evils of feminism, I am against having all these minority males living horrific lives in jail at the expense of the AmeriKan Feminist WHITE WOMAN.

Even after DNA proves that he is NOT the biological Father, Judges in the US still force thousands of men to pay child support even with the DNA evidence in front of them !!!

Thousands of men in California ALONE are being forced to pay child support AFTER DNA Proves that He is NOT the Biological father:
[link to]

Not even Saddam Hussein would force a man to pay child support for a child that is NOT his !!!
Feminism is a Weapon of Mass Destruction

"First You Get the Women, Then You've Got the Children, So Follow the Men" -Adolph Hitler

"The `perennial' father is a menace to society and must be treated as such. Like the mental defectives and those afflicted with certain hereditary diseases, he should, after due warning, be rendered incapable of further parentage." -W.J. Ruth. "Population Control For Unemployment." Birth Control Review, Volume XVII, Number 5 (May 1933), page 134.

In the Book of Genesis, when Satan attacked Adam and Eve, he attacked through the weaker vessel: the woman. Just like The STATE is doing today, attacking us through feminism, through the 'woman'. Falsely "empower" the woman for her to make the wrong choices that way to weaken the man to control him. This is how evil attacks man, who was made in the image of God.

In the Book of Exodus, Pharaoh of Egypt decided to kill all the male Israelite infants to weaken the Israelites militarily. This is nothing new. Think about it ! ! !

Statism is Antichrist plain and simple. God should be the King and Head of an individual man, and the man/husband should be the head of his household, not the Anti-Christ STATE.

In this last century alone, governments around the world have killed over 500 million people of their own people. All this government sponsored propaganda about Domestic Violence is just a smoke screen to divert attention from the real abuse: Government Abuse Against It's Own People. This is the real Domestic Violence.

The Bible depicted governments as Beasts; in Daniel and Revelations. Look at old Nazi film; their Armies marching like ants mimicking the Animal Kingdom and therefore subhuman. Individual Freemen become just another cog in the Wheel of the Predator Beast State which becomes the Alpha Male which today IT is doing this through the propaganda of feminism. By feminizing society and thus emasculating it's males for more State Control.

"To disobey tyranny is to obey God." - Thomas Jefferson

Paying child support kills children by Funding/Subsidizing the #1 KILLER of children: single-mother-households:
Children from single-mother households, compared to children of two-parent families where the biological father is present, are more likely to go to prison by 20 times, to commit suicide by 5 times, to have behavioral problems by 20 times, to become rapists by 14 times, to run away by 32 times, to abuse chemical substances by 10 times, to drop out of high school by 9 times, to be seriously abused by 33 times, to be fatally abused by 73 times, to be one tenth as likely to get A's in school, and to [per Lenore Weitzman] have a 72% lower standard of living.

"This country, with its institutions, belongs to the people who inhabit it. Whenever they shall grow weary of the existing government, they can exercise their constitutional right of amending it, or their revolutionary right to dismember it or overthrow it." - Abraham Lincoln, First Inaugural Address, March 4, 1861 (1809-1865)

Question to America:

America used to be free. Not anymore. America has turned into Amerika.

Question to America:
1. I steal your car.
2. You take me to Court and the Judge 'gives' me custody of your car.
3. On top of that, the Judge now says you must keep paying the monthly payments, insurance, and overall maintenance of the car.
If you refuse to 'pay', you are labeled/vilified into a lowlife scumbag dirt bag criminal and thrown in jail surrounded by violent criminals.
And to make matters even worse, the government pays/sponsors for a massive government Nazi-like propaganda campaign, brainwashing society, convincing them that if you don't accept/pay for this, with a smile on your face no doubt, that you are than a scumbag dirt bag lowlife 'deadbeat' who belongs in jail surrounded by murderers, rapists, child molesters, etc.

Question to America:
What exactly happened here?
Explain to me what happened here, because this is exactly what they are doing to American Fathers.

If the British had this current System some 200 yrs. ago the American Revolution would have never happened. Benjamin Franklin had like 13 bastard children, he would have ended up in jail as a 'deadbeat' dad.
The rest of our Founding Fathers would have been forced to 'attend' Anger Management Courses.

This US Media Propaganda Machine would have called the Protestors of the Boston Tea Party a bunch of 'nuts' and/or anarchists.

Feminism is a military psychological weapon to feminize/emasculate society for more State Control by weakening the State's Main Competitor: Men

The US Federal Government is the Biggest Deadbeat: $5.7 TRILLION on the National Debt - (financial-future of 'our children').

The STATE Kidnaps children from their Fathers than demand ransom/extortion deceptively called 'child support.'

Maxim of law: The children that belong to the mother are those of slaves and animals. But the children that belong to the Father are those of Freemen.

That is why the Slave Masters used to separate the black slave Father from the black slave mother and child to weaken them to better control them. Divide & Conquer: this is nothing new.
And now they are doing it to men today in Amerika: 2008

Even after DNA proves that he is NOT the biological Father, thousands of men in America are still FORCED to pay this ransom/extortion deceptively called child support even with DNA EVIDENCE PROVING he is NOT the Father:
[link to]

Why aren't former Enron Execs forced to pay child support to all the familes who lost their money?
Why should Corporations have more rights then Individuals?
The Constitution spoke of Rights of the Individual (not of the rights of Corporations)

Women today can dump their babies off in garbage dumpsters and go to jail, but when they get out of jail (they are than not forced to pay child support)

Women today can dump their babies off in Police Stations and Hospitals and not be prosecuted for it (a new law now) And these women are not forced to pay child support...

Women can also give up their baby to adoption (orphanages)... and not be forced to pay child support. Women can dump THEIR responsibilities...

Why can't men ?

Society today promotes, advocates, and supports homosexuality while at the same time promote, advocate, and fully support destroying heterosexual males with alimony and child support... this is SATANIC !!!

"Those who profess to favor freedom, and yet depreciate agitation, are men who want crops without plowing up the ground. They want rain without thunder and lightning. They want the ocean without the awful roar of its waters. This struggle may be a moral one; or it may be a physical one; or it may be both moral and physical; but it must be a struggle! Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did, and it never will. Find out just what people will submit to, and you have found out the exact amount of injustice and wrong which will be imposed upon them; and these will continue until they are resisted with either words or blows, or with both. The limits of tyrants are prescribed by the endurance of those whom they oppress." - Thomas Paine

All Praise and Glory to the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob

the Only True God - The Creator of both the Heavens and the Earth in the NAME OF JESUS THE CHRIST

Gali Galit, Messianic, Missionary, Scholastic. #fundie

//Would you choose to burn in Hell forever, if it turns out that God is pure evil, such as because he slaughters children and tortures people forever, or would you bow down and worship him to save yourself from having to suffer the same fate as others?//

Thank you for the A2A.

“he slaughters children and tortures people forever,” you say.

Someone else once asked me a ridiculous question like yours somewhere else. They posted a video of how “bloodthirsty” God is.

The video cited verses where God punished people by death including:

drowning Pharoah’s army in the sea, failing to mention that they repeatedly refused to obey God and sought to enslave Israel again;
destroying 3,000 people when Moses returned from the Holy mountain with the Lord’s commandments, failing to mention that they were worshipping idols and behaving like wild pagans, despite experiencing several miracles of God which resulted in their freedom from enslavement, and who were even given the choice of choosing God or rejecting Him before God destroyed them. Those who rejected Him, despite gaining their freedom by God’s miracles, were rightfully destroyed;
blasphemers being stoned to death, as per Divine Law;
destroying 600 Philistines! (not nearly enough, imo), failing to mention that they were aggressive, warmongering people who physically threatened Israel’s development as a nation for 200 years, and who continue to do so to this day, putting out “Pallywood” videos, playing the victim to the hilt despite their international war crimes, and promising the destruction of Israel and worldwide Jewish genocide.

The video continues attacking God, using several examples from the Book of Judges, failing to mention that the purpose of the Book of Judges is to show to the consequences of disobeying God. The Book of Judges establishes the recurrent pattern of sin that would dominate the time of the judges. By the end of the book, it is clear that Israel violated her covenant with God in almost every possible way. “Charlie” obviously expected that God should ignore His own Divine Laws, ignore the breaking of the Covenant between Himself and Israel, ignore those trying to destroy Israel which He loves, and expecting that God should just sit on His hands in silence. I wonder if “Charlie” expects police and Court judges to do the same when mortal laws are broken.

The video then continues on to attack the Book of 1 Samuel. Israel had a priesthood that was corrupt. Samuel’s sons who served as judges in Beersheba were also corrupt. The people of Israel showed open disdain for the Word of God, and refused to listen to His prophet, Samuel. A remnant of Israel was righteous and longed for the glories of a just monarchy; God granted their desire. He gave them King Saul, however, Saul also ignored the Word of the Lord. The Philistines continued to be a threat to Israel, and they captured the ark of the covenant. But “Charlie” expects that God should accept it all quietly. The video even condemns David killing Goliath!

The video then moved on to attack the Book of 2 Samuel which covers the establishment of the kingdom of Israel. The book emphasizes that God rejected Saul for his disobedience, chose David for the throne, and disciplined David for his pride. The key to David’s successful reign was his relationship with God. God described him as a man after His own heart:

In his youth, David demonstrated his strong faith in God by challenging a giant with only a few stones and his faith in God’s strength to win the battle;
In his adulthood, he continued to rely on God for guidance and strength;
Early in his reign, he demonstrated the importance of his religious convictions to all Israel by bringing the ark of the covenant to Jerusalem in the midst of a lavish celebration before the Lord;
Following that, his eagerness to build a temple for the glory of the Lord was known to all.
David led the Israelites back to the true worship of God.
Even when he sinned, he demonstrated to the people his repentant heart before the living God. David’s religious leadership was the most significant part of his reign.

Through all the national and personal events of His people in order to accomplish His will, God gave David a glimpse of His ultimate will in the promises He gave him, commonly called the Davidic Covenant. In this unconditional Covenant, God promised David an eternal dynasty, an eternal throne, and an eternal kingdom. If the wicked had to die to accomplish that, so be it.

The video then mentions that no number of the dead were available from the Flood, but fails to mention that mankind was so wicked that, among other abominable human behaviour, human women were having relations with demons which resulted in supernatural, wicked, giant offspring:


If God hadn’t wiped out life on Earth when He did, giants would still be part of our population today, if not the only population today, certainly increasing in evil, and would make this sinful world of murder, rape, pedophilia, necrophilia, bestiality, wife-beating, child abuse, liars, thieves, and disease, look like a picnic.

The video also condemed God for the death of all the first-born of Egypt, failing to mention that this Divine judgment was the result of an Egyptian edict that all the first-born of Israel should die, so God turned it around on them. Perfect justice.

The video then moved on to attack Ezekiel 9 where God destroys the wicked, failing to mention that the people were perversely wicked, and that God protected those who cried out to Him for protection, by destroying them.

Then the video moved on to attack the Book of Jeremiah (“the weeping prophet”). Jeremiah’s ministry covered a very critical time in the history of the ancient Middle East. Josiah, the King of Judah, died at the hands of the Egyptian army. The people of Judah lost their freedom and didn’t turn to God, but to idols. This idolatry was the reason for Jeremiah’s proclamations of God’s judgment. “Charlie” obviously didn’t know that idol worship is against God’s Commandments and is punishable by death when violated. The book of Jeremiah includes many difficulties including Nebuchadnezzar defeating Pharoah, Jehoiakim rebelling against Nebuchadnezzar, Jehoiachin replacing Jehoiakim on the throne for a short time, and thousands of political and religions leaders in Babylon. Jerusalem’s walls were eventually breached, Nebuchadnezzar’s army besieged Jerusalem, the temple was burned, along with palaces, houses, and other administrative buildings. To Jeremiah, God was the incomparable God of all creation, was the Lord over nature and history, and He reigned not only over Judah and Israel but over all nations. Jeremiah was very aware of the covenant between God and Israel. The covenant bound Israel to God in a special relationship of love, faithfulness, and hope. But the covenant had two sides: Faithfulness to the Lord and to the covenant would bring blessing; disobedience would result in punishment, destruction, and exile. Finally, Jechonias (called Coniah in Jeremiah 22:24-30) was so evil, there was a special curse pronounced on Jeconiah that affected the throne of David, which in turn affected the rule of Jesus on David’s throne, which could only happen through the genealogy of Mary. The video fails to mention all of this and more.

The video then mocked God, i.e. “God is love, 1 John 4:8,” etc., failing to take into account all that they failed to mention up to this point.

Then it mocks the book of 1 Kings when God chastises Israel, and misses the entire point of the book which is the importance of obedience to God’s law. Naturally, the video disregarded the false religion of the Canaanites, the failures of the Israelites to walk in God’s ways, and only focuses on God’s chastisement which serves as a warning to us. Unfortunately, some of us are just too thick to get it.

Then it moved on to attack the Book of Isaiah which details the prophet’s message of condemnation to the 8th-century Israelites, pronouncing judgment on their immoral and idolatrous lifestyles.

At this point, the video records God “killing” almost one million (1,000,000) people, not including the Flood.

Alas! …

… the video introduces Satan - WHO KILLED ONLY TEN PEOPLE! count ‘em, 10! - and continues to attack God and Scripture by attacking the book of 2 Chronicles.

While Satan holds steady at 10 murders, the video attacks the Book of Acts (obviously believing that God should overlook lying to the Holy Spirit, too).

The video’s pièce de résistance? God kills Jesus.

The video’s conclusion: God killed over 2 million people compared to Satan who killed just 10.

The ignorance about the death of the Christ and the number of murders by Satan is astounding. “Charlie,” - who posted the video to straighten me out - didn’t understand that when Satan lied to Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden, their sin was generational without end. Every single person after them was born in sin and even conceived in sin (Psalm 51:5). There are almost 8 billion people on the planet today, and there were billions on the Earth in the last 5,780 years, every single one of them was born in sin, and separated from God because of it. “Charlie” didn’t understand that Satan killed billions of people because of what he did to Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden. Satan is the biggest mass murderer in the history of the world.

Enter The Christ.

“Charlie” didn’t understand that God loves mankind so much that God became incarnate to die for the sins of mankind - including “Charlie” himself - based on God’s own LAW, Leviticus 17:11. “Charlie” didn’t understand that God is a God of integrity Who wouldn’t break His own LAW despite the enormous cost to Him to save sinners from eternal punishment because of what Satan did, and because of man’s endless rebellion against Him now.

As God incarnate, the Christ restored sight to the blind, healed a paralytic, fed 5,000 people by multiplying a minimal amount of food, fed 4,000 people by multiplying a minimal amount of food, turned water into wine, cleansed the lepers, restored hearing to the deaf, healed a man with a withered hand, healed the woman afflicted with a hemorrhage, healed a possessed mute, healed a possessed crippled woman, healed the possessed man in the tombs, restored Peter's ear after it was cut off, cast out demons, calmed a storm, walked on water, raised the dead, suspended the laws of the universe, and performed so many other miracles that if every one of them were written down, the whole world would not have room for the books that would be written (John 21:25).

The Jewish leaders hated Him because He claimed to be exactly who He is, the Jewish Messiah and the Son of God (Matthew 26:63-65). The religious Jews (the Pharisees) brought Him to the head of the Roman administration, Pontius Pilate, to sentence Him to death. Pilate found no fault in Him, but to satisfy the huge uprising of people, he sentenced Jesus to flogging. The legal limit for flogging was 40 lashes. The Romans flogged Him so much, and tortured Him in other ways to such an extent, that Scripture says that His appearance was beyond human likeness: Isaiah 52:14. As God in the flesh, He had the power to escape from it anytime He wanted to. But He loves man and wanted to reconcile us to Him, so He endured it. This is just the flogging, which shows a small fraction of what He endured:

After the horrendous beating that disfigured Him beyond human likeness, He was then mocked with a crown of thorns and more, and forced to carry His own heavy wooden cross when all His bones were out of joint: Psalm 22:14.

He was then nailed to a cross to be humiliated, and tortured to death. This link details His physical suffering: frames of physiopathology. This is no small price.

After 3 days, He rose from the dead again, sat at the right hand of the Father in heaven (Luke 22:69), and sent those who accept His sacrifice for the forgiveness of their sins, His Holy Spirit to live within us (Ezekiel 36:27; 1 Corinthians 3:16), for several reasons. Not only did God forgive us our sins if we accept the Christ as our Saviour, but He continues to gift Christians in many ways.

People today are as rebellious as ever. They’ve obviously never heard the expression “You can run but you can’t hide.”

Galatians 6:7
Do not be deceived, God is not mocked [He will not allow Himself to be ridiculed, nor treated with contempt nor allow His precepts to be scornfully set aside]; for whatever a man sows, this and this only is what he will reap.

Did you know that by 1924 when their caliphate ended, the ideology killed a total of two hundred, seventy million (270,000,000) people? And we didn’t have weapons of mass destruction or nuclear weapons. All of these people were butchered by the sword. Iran is working on those nuclear weapons now.

Here’s something legitimate to bellyache about:

Terror Attacks - This list is updated daily, and lists every single day all the way back to September 11, 2001. That’s approximately 7,000 consecutive days to date.

You might also want to look up the islamic Eid al-adha festival .


"There is no drop of liquid as loved by Allah more than the liquid of blood." - Muslim cleric Abu Hamza


Christopher, if you think God was harsh in the Old Testament to people who broke His laws, violated His covenant, loved sin and Satan over Him, and chose them over being reconciled to Him, wait until the Christ returns to deal with society throwing God out of everything, and embracing and legalizing everything He forbids and abhors. When the Christ returns, they’re going to experience some serious fecal incontinence.


Thank you again for your A2A.

Tomi Lahren #wingnut

Trump is truly incredible. They force him into the courtroom all week long and even so, he comes out on the weekend and campaigns with the fire and energy of someone half his age.

He doesn’t quit.

America loves Trump.
8:39 AM · May 12, 2024 · 297.4K Views
2,161 Reposts 74 Quotes 15.9K Likes 41 Bookmarks

Liberty #crackpot #magick

There are no more secrets! You can instantly know everything you need.

The magnetic grid holds the power that is yours in its right. Now is the time to reclaim the power that you have left behind in the grid as a result of your many incarnations on planet Earth. Yes, the grid remembers and knows everything about you! It stores this knowledge for yourself. So that one day you also remember everything about yourself and become who you really are.

All you have to do is be fragmented! It is enough not to remember ourselves and not to know our strength. Now you can, figuratively speaking, put yourself together piece by piece into a single whole. Now you have nothing to hide your power from yourself.


Because the grid has a honeycomb structure, you can visualize the cell of the honeycomb that you align with your energy field – and thereby connect to the grid. You can simply visualize the filaments of golden light connecting you to the Cosmos. You can imagine yourself in a pillar of golden light – and thereby come into contact with the grid. Dear ones, whatever and however you imagine, it will work if your visualization is combined with your intention.

Remember, the grid is your means of communication with God and the higher dimensions. It is a means of connecting everyone with everyone – each person with everyone. This is a means of communication between you and yourself! Discover the possibilities of the grid – now there are no limits to it. And you will discover how much is now available to you – as much as has never been before in the history of mankind

Father Fortea #fundie

Yes, God is present even in hell. There is no place (or being) in which God is not present. God, the Creator of all things, maintains everything in existence and knows everything from all eternity. So demons are not freed from the presence of God even in hell. No matter how far a demon wants to draw away from God, he will always be condemned to be in the presence of God.

Even though God is in hell, the demons do not directly perceive His presence. On the contrary, they feel totally distanced from Him. God permits them to have this sensation so as not to torment them. Nevertheless, there is no place or being that can be outside the reach, sight, or power (i.e., the presence) of God.

generalorder4 #pratt #dunning-kruger

I don't WANT to care about politics. I don't LIKE politics. For a long time I barely knew what politics was and when I had to declare my loyalty I considered myself a liberal because I was told that meant I was a good person. I considered myself a good person (like everyone does) so I said 'I guess I'm a liberal' and for a time that was enough.
But as time wore on I found that more and more demands were heaped onto me and those demands became literally impossible.
It wasn't enough to say 'I'm a liberal'. You also had to ignore history ('All native Americans were peaceful and learned how to scalp people from Canadians. The Holocaust wasn't so bad compared to war atrocities committed by The Allies. Islam was never warlike. The Crusades was a war for gold only. Democracy has caused the most wars in history. No white man can take credit for any innovation or invention throughout all of history...') and you had to ignore logic. See, I figured 'not being racist' meant not judging and certainly not hating someone based on the color of their skin.
Apparently it meant 'Hate white people' as many words. Without irony. Hate is fine as long as it's the right kind of hate. Then it isn't even 'racism''s just 'wokeness'. In fact a lot of things ordinarily unjustifiable could be made perfectly fine through the same lens. We were supposed to hate Jews (those zionist oppressors and allies to the Great Satan) too which was EXTREMELY ironic give the fact that most often the epithet for those politically opposed to this perspective were called 'Nazis'...which I figured were practically defined as racially hating Jews specifically.
My brain rebelled and around the time I said 'If identity is justified just because it's ours then why can't I be proud to be a white man?' I realized I would not be welcome not because of what I believed by literally because of what I was.
White cis men who didn't believe America was the worst country on earth and believed in Christ couldn't even be allies. They had to be silenced at best, destroyed at worst. The only way to be part of the world I thought I belonged to by virtue of virtue itself was if I constantly debased myself, my family, my country, my species.
And eventually I had enough.

Heartiste #fundie

Military technology displaces alpha shitlords from service. The more advanced and remote the killing tech, the less need for high T men to wield the weaponry. A black ops room or navy ship decked out with precision targeting systems can be manned by homos and pregnant 90 pound women. Sad!

Jim #fundie #conspiracy #sexist

[From “Who stabbed Bishop Mar Mari Emmanuel?”]

Bishop Mar Mari Emmanuel and several worshipers were attacked in an absurdly vicious and completely over the top[…]
And yet the stabbing was strangely ineffectual. It is very easy to kill people. It is not that difficult to do it with bare hands[…]and with knife of suitable size, trivial[…]
The attacker says “Allahu Akbar” so that everyone will know this is a Mohammedan attack on a Christian[…]Emmanuel has not said or done anything that would particular piss off Mohammedans[…]
What has outraged people his his criticisms of the demon worshipers ruling us

I am fairly sympathetic and supportive of Islam. I say Mohammed was right about women, the Taliban are fighting for their freedom and restoring order, peace, and prosperity to a land endlessly ravaged by war, that we need to postpone renewing the crusades until we have dealt with the common enemy of demon worshipers[…]I say the Jews are attempting to genocide the Palestinians. Muslims generally seem to perceive me as a frenemy, and I am sure that they would similarly perceive Bishop[…]Emmanuel, who, unlike me, has always preached the human dignity of people of all faiths

I suppose in a sense I preach the much same thing, in that I say that the Peace of Westphalia should be applied to all faiths, but I also say it will need to be imposed on Dar al-Islam with a big stick, and that Cortes had the right answer for demon worship. We can worry about Mohammedanism after we and the Mohammedans have dealt with the big problem: Demon worship ruling the west[…]
Part of the horror of this attack is that he failed to take any effectual action to protect himself, while I am still mostly killer ape, and wear civilization like an ill fitting suit. But there is a place in Christianity for men of violence[…]I am a big fan of Saint Theodore the Varangian. Bishop[…]Emmanuel says he fears nothing[…]Sometimes, a more forceful method of dealing with evil is appropriate

Wayne Allyn Root #conspiracy #wingnut

How about the massive spending, welfare and debt that is crushing the US economy and producing the worst inflation in modern history. That’s not brain-dead Biden. That all started under Obama too. That’s all “Cloward-Piven.”

The open border and the mass foreign invasion of America. That’s not brain-dead Biden. It’s all Obama.

Devvy Kidd #wingnut #racist #conspiracy

First thing on the madness we’ve been seeing on campuses of lower learning. Two factions. One is ignorant students who are actually enrolled in one of the colleges/universities and second are paid professional cockroaches who travel around the country. Their job is to whip up violence, rioting, spew hatred on college campuses while promoting Marxism/collectivism.

It’s important to remember what started this: Oct. 7, 2023. An UNPROVOKED attack by Hamas on a holiday.
For the psychopaths who belong to Hamas, the most vulnerable are just another target for a bullet. After all, they’re just Jews. Hamas murderers are Satan’s Pimps who shall burn in his Hell for all eternity. Forget the 72 virgins BS. Perhaps the next attack will be on OUR soil by Muslim zealots against Catholics. Or maybe Baptists will be the next target by Hamas cold-blooded murderers.

Will we see thousands of ignorant college students doing what we’ve seen the past few weeks celebrate murder against Catholics at a cathedral or Baptists at some large gathering by Hamas butchers? Wouldn’t bet fifty-cents on that one.

Oh, gosh, we’re only rioting, screaming and yelling against “apartheid” Israel. Just ignore the signs that say: Exterminate the Jews. Be careful what you wish for when it comes to Muslims who lie better than career criminal, Joe Biden and that’s saying a lot.
Never in my life could I have ever imagined seeing what I’ve been seeing for a couple of weeks on college campuses. Signs: Kill the Jews, Death to America, Free Palestine, burning of the American flag. Efforts to fly the Palestine flag everywhere which thankfully has been stopped by real American students on campuses. How absolutely shameful my America should resemble Nazi Germany under Hitler.

whogivesafucc #sexist

Rape is a fucking meme

Like, honestly, do you think a bitch would care if some dude who looked like Lachowski just raped her? Nope, he could rip off her clothes, knock her out, and then fuck her ass really hard without lube and it would literally be the best experience of her fucking life. She'd never even think of reporting it, and she'd masturbate to the thought years later after the "attack."

Meanwhile, even if an incel were to take retarded normie advice and try to approach a female and say "hi," the bitch would literally call the police in 0.2 seconds. Just fucking lol