xFamily #fundie #homophobia xfamily.org

The "Loving Jesus revelation" calls on Family members to do three things:

1. They are to visualise their sexual activity as happening with Jesus.

2. They are called on to masturbate to Jesus.

3. They are told to say "love words," or talk dirty, to Jesus as they are having sex.
Karen Zerby has published a list of sexually explicit expressions that her followers could use during sex with Jesus.
In order to avoid a homosexual relationship with Jesus (male homosexuality is an excommunicable offense within the cult), men are instructed to visualise themselves as women "in the spirit" during these activities.

Michael Savage #fundie #homophobia mediamatters.org

And I want to tell you something, and I'm going to say it to you loud and clear. The radical homosexual agenda will not stop until religion is outlawed in this country. Make no mistake about it. They're all not nice decorators. You better get it through your head before it's too late. They threaten your very survival. They went after the Catholic Church. The Catholic Church is now caving into the homosexual mafia. They will not stop until they force their agenda down your throats. Gay marriage is just the tip of the iceberg. They want full and total subjugation of this society to their agenda. Now, if you want that and if you don't think it's a threat -- believe me, that is what's going to occur in this country.

RejectedDreams #homophobia comments.deviantart.com

No scientific study has positively discovered and isolated the so-called "gay gene". But even if a genetic predisposition toward homosexuality were found, the choice to act on those urges would still reside with the individual. That's why rapists and pedophiles are not relieved of responsibility for their actions merely because they, along with all humans, are genetically determined to be sexual creatures, whether heterosexual or homosexual.

Arcy #fundie #homophobia freerepublic.com

[About a play depicting Jesus as gay.]

This play and the people who support represent in seed-form the reasons why al-queada and other muslim-extremists want to attack America!
The culture of the middle east is VERY conservative. Unfortunately, America - as viewed through middle eastern eyes - is a country of people who live unbridled lives of adultery, accept overt sexual promiscuity in their media and accept extreme immoral behavior such as homosexuality. Can you imagine homosexual weddings in ANY middle eastern country? Hell no!

This is why they hate us. They see us as a threat to their own culture. They see us exporting our immoral lifestyles and influencing their younger generations. They recognize it for the poison that it is.

Unfortunately, our Republican and Conservative leaders have failed miserably at explaining how liberal ideologies have caused and even invited the hatred of America by those in the middle east and that liberal thought and behavior endanger our very existence!

Republicans and Conservatives could gain support from millions of Muslims in this country by joining forces to combat the promotion of immorality, which is fostered in our nation's schools and taught in all too many liberal universities. Combating liberals could literally save our country from Islamic radicals who want to destroy us because of the ideologies promoted by liberal democrats.

Missgiababy #sexist reddit.com

I believe many, many more men are secretly paedophiles than we actually think. One of the most, if not the most popular porn categories is 'freshly turned 18'. Do people really believe these men's attractions start the day girls turn 18? Of course not, if they're attracted to 18 they're most likely attracted to 17, 16 and so on

Steve Kirsch quoting Larry Cook #conspiracy #wingnut twitter.com

Larry Cook: Both my elderly landlords of 18 yrs got the COVID vaccine (against my advice), got turbo cancer, and died (6 days apart). They were great people, hoodwinked by their doctors.
Steve Kirsch: Not a coincidence. COVID vaccines are not safe or effective.
image3:18 PM · Apr 18, 2024 · 17.3K Views
176 Reposts 7 Quotes 749 Likes 20 Bookmarks

Liz Wheeler #forced-birth #fundie #wingnut twitter.com

The VAST majority of people in American believe late-term abortion should be illegal. Over 80%.

The majority of people in American believe second trimester abortion should be illegal. Over 60%.

Contrary to the lies propagated by the left, over 60% of women who get abortions feel coerced by a man to get one.

The reason women cite most often for getting abortions is… convenience.

It’s atrocious. We should not accept this as a society.

I don’t care if this is a “winning” or “losing” political issue. It’s an issue of right and wrong. A genocide for which we will answer to our Creator. What do you want your answer to be?

If, instead of trying to compromise with evil, we loudly articulated WHAT abortion actually is, when life begins, culturally expected present fathers, and provided women with loving community and support to care for her child, maybe it wouldn’t be a losing political issue after all.

We must ban abortion. And if you’re afraid to say it, let alone politically enact it, stop & ask yourself why.
2:05 AM · Apr 9, 2024 · 63.2K Views
257 Reposts 42 Quotes 1,792 Likes 33 Bookmarks

Lydia Netzer #ableist theneurotypical.com

The conflicted behaviours of AS; the so-called “cuteness” and then extreme bullying which is noted by Lydia Netzer; are present throughout that person’s life. These behaviours carry into all close relationships.

Autism is not cute in the privacy of their own home. It is tyrannical and controlling; all “cuteness”, charm they display outside the home completely disappears. This is the Jekyll and Hyde described by Prof Tony Attwood. Their prompt dependence is never acknowledged by them, like Lydia’s son has, and when they are helped by a spouse/partner they become angry and they bully and berate that person. Conflict and chaos are what happens when AS is involved.

It would be very helpful if AS adults admit that his/her spouse helps them cope with life.

Colonel-Knight-Rider #moonbat imgflip.com

Daniel James "Dan" Schneider is a racist director, writer, and producer primarily for teen-targeted television programs on Nickelodeon. One such program is iCarly, whose eponymous character hosts a Webcast show with her friends in Seattle, Washington State. While the show may seem harmless on the surface, it has insulted, whether intentionally or not, multiple races, including the English (stereotyped as having unconditional contempt for Americans), the French (stereotyped as wearing berets and mustaches), the Japanese (stereotyped as overly-expressive), the Swedes (stereotyped as blond and beautiful), and worst of all, the Scots. In two episodes of iCarly entitled "iSpy a Mean Teacher" and "iDream of Dance," the character of Miss Briggs, played by obviously Scottish-American actress Mindy Sterling (as in Sterling Bridge), has her heritage booed in front of her: first on the Internet when she plays "Scotland the Brave" (incorrectly titled as "Haggis in Moonlight") on the bagpipes, and then in person when she calls a man named "Benjamin Yip," played by Stefan Raulston, to perform traditional Scottish Highland dancing (also incorrectly).

To this day, Dan Schneider has NEVER apologized for what he did to show contempt for Scottish culture in his twisted, insensitive style of humor. A good joke about another person's race involves love, knowledge, and appreciation of the race rather than ill-informed insults rooted in stereotyped perceptions and wanton heresay regarding that race. This image depicts him as a parody of racist German dictator Adolf Hitler with a swastika over his heart and a petite mustache on his upper lip. Also, it resembles a common artistic style appearing on many World War II propaganda posters

Colonel-Knight-Rider #sexist #fundie deviantart.com

[Highlights from “100 Truths by Colonel Knight Rider”.]

26. First crush?—My babysitter. But it was an innocent love of her personality, the kind I hope to apply to a real adult relationship.
28. Any talent?—I may not be a genius in the literal sense of the word, but I am one of the fastest-thinking men alive with a unique set of memory techniques that not even I can fully explain. If I could, I'd be in MENSA.
38. Drink?—Milk, the signature, calcium-enriched drink of Colonel Knight Rider. *In Sean Connery's voice,* Fat-free, not whole.
45. Fallen in love with someone?—Yes, but it's never been reciprocated because this is a post-feminist world. The problem with girls in my generation is that, as another former babysitter of mine told my mother, there are too many of them whose mothers have told them that they "don't need guys" to live long and fulfilling lives.
46. Celebrated Halloween?—Formerly. Now I just make Deviations about it.
47. Had your heart broken?—I guess I just answered that one.
52. Deleted an entire paper?—No, but I've heavily revised a few to the point where it feels like deleting and starting over again.
53. Did something you regret?—Yes, but it brought me to DeviantArt, proving that all things work together for those who love God…and those who choose not to listen but work hard to be good people anyway.
59. Left the country?—Not yet, but hopefully some day on vacation! Or I could leave when America becomes so politically divided that I'm the last man in my church, at which point I'd go into self-imposed exile Yoda-style.
66. Stayed single for two years since the first time you had a date?—For nearly 26 years, yes.
71. Plans for today?—Struggle to find a decent job, play superhero on the Internet, repeat. So, the usual.
72. Waiting for?—A girl who's sweet, innocent, thoughtful, deep, listens well, gives good hugs, is not a feminist, and wants to date me.
73. Want kids?—Naturally!
74. Want to get married?—So much that I admit to unintentionally sounding like a girl when I talk about it.
81. Hook-up or relationship?—Relationship. Have you ever met a true knight who does casual hook-ups?
85. Held a gun or knife in defense?—Only in a dream where I killed a childhood nightmare with one bullet. It was a few months before my 18th birthday, so I like to think of it as my own personal rite of passage into adulthood. =P Today, whenever I think of the dream, which ended when I woke up seconds after the kill, I imagine it continuing with the sun rising out my bedroom window at the time as I hear that guy from the first shot of The Lion King shout his famous Zulu lyrics: "NAAAAAAAAAAAAAANTS' INGONYAAAAAAAAAAAAAMA BAGITHI BABAAAAAAAAAAA!!!" signifying the dawn of a new, prosperous era free of childhood nightmares.
86. Killed somebody?—There are three types of folks who could answer this question affirmatively: psychopaths, law enforcement officers, and people in the Armed Services. In truth, I'm none of the three.
97. Is there one person you really want to be with right now?—My wife, whom God has already chosen but I haven't yet seen.

Colonel-Knight-Rider #fundie #racist #homophobia deviantart.com

Umm, yeah, no. No, I do care about those communities. I'm fine with them being represented in cinema. I wouldn't call Lillies of the Field one of my favorite movies of all time otherwise. What I'm not okay with, and what you don't seem to get (or want to accept) is why current 21st century Hollywood is doing that sort of thing: to make themselves appear more "woke" to their target audience and get their money and praise. Modern Hollywood is exploiting racial minorities and LGBT people in America by treating them as popular trends, or moneymakers, or attention-grabbers, or Oscar bait instead of as people. Maybe bigwig Hollywood producers do care about those groups, or maybe they don't—I'm not a mind-reader. But, either way, do you not see how dehumanizing being treated as fashion trends instead of as people is to those groups? The problem is not who gets represented in cinema but how they're being used for other people's personal gain. I feel sorry that people of color and LGBT people are being exploited by those greedy sons of guns at the top who want to look more "woke" but are as greedy as the average Hollywood producer has always been.

Another fundamental problem is that Hollywood’s handling of race relations has deteriorated over time. Consider, for instance, Lillies of the Field or Guess Who’s Coming to Dinner? They handled race relations beautifully by presenting both black people and white people as smart but in different ways (there is, after all, no such thing as one kind of smart), all while showing that we all have the same capacity for good regardless of skin color. Now, in the 21st century, we get movies like the aptly-named Guess Who? and Get Out or TV series like The Neighborhood, which convey messages such as “White people bad, black people good,” or “White people dumb, black people smart.” This is not to say that Hollywood is incapable of going back to how it used to handle race relations—a rare gem like Bob Hearts Abishola, created by the genius who brought us Two and a Half Men and The Big Bang Theory, presents both races as different kinds of intelligent and shatters cultural barriers to show how much we’re all alike even though we have different skin colors, accents, and manners of dress. But still, I’d like to see more of those positive messages from Hollywood.

Colonel-Knight-Rider #sexist #fundie deviantart.com

Today is the 100th anniversary of the 19th Constitutional Amendment, which gave women the right to vote. In the spirit of this glorious occasion, President Trump has pardoned Susan B. Anthony, who was unjustly fined $100 long ago for attempting to vote when it was still illegal for women and was never pardoned by any other president.

My message to anyone who calls Mr. Trump "sexist" is this: your argument never existed.

Colonel-Knight-Rider #sexist #pratt #wingnut #homophobia #transphobia #racist #senpai_noticed_us rottenwebsites.miraheze.org

1. Overall, FSTDT is similar to RationalWiki in that it's a left-leaning, mostly atheist and agnostic echo chamber where members more often act like petulant jerks who, by their own admission, love mocking and "calling out" people for saying things they don't like to hear instead of defeating others' arguments rationally. The key difference is that, unlike RW, FSTDT does not masquerade as an encyclopedia.
2. In 2014, a former 40-year atheist and blogger named Stan described the site as a place "…where Atheists and skeptics can have a safe harbor in which to ridicule that which they take out of context. Actually there is a link to context, but no one seems to have used it in my case. It's the sort of snake pit where the target du jour is countered with comments like "asshole", and the standard logic errors which they insist are the logical answers to the "idiot" they are trashing
3. The fact that many users choose to remain anonymous proves that they know what they're doing, while not illegal per se, is unethical enough that they don't want to get caught doing it, especially by the religious friends that many members claim to have in real life.
4. Their whole business model is flawed because, if there were no more writings they don’t like for them to quote on the Internet, the enterprise would lose its purpose and collapse.
5. Their arguments against whatever quotes they find are generally one-sided and full of logical fallacies, often as extremely ideologically biased towards the left as are those on RationalWiki or SJWiki, especially since quotes are taken out of context.
6. They tend to give tags to quotes that do not reflect the quote authors' original intentions, including giving the tag "#fundie" to quotes that have only minimal to no religious connotations. This makes it clear that they want their interpretations of anything they quote to be the only true and correct interpretations.
7. Although they aim to provide links to context for every one of their quotes, users don't seem to reference or pay attention to that context.
8. Many of their arguments amount to nothing more than argumentum ad hominems, or personal attacks, with childish insults and name-calling as well as lazy, unimaginative sex jokes solely to get a rise out of people.
This is often the case with their comments on many quotes under their tag "#dunning-krueger," which refers to people that they believe are "not nearly as smart as they think they are." It's another way of saying, "You're dumb because we said so!" and renders them guilty of the same sense of elitism that they condemn various quoting targets for showing.
The same principle applies to their tag "#pratt," an acronym for "Point Refuted A Thousand Times," which indicates a sense of laziness and unwillingness to have a civil debate and basically says, "We’re right, you're wrong, so shut up already."
9. The people running and/or contributing to it do a terrible job at sourcing for their quotes: many links to context are dead (happens a lot with links aged 10 years or older); image only; and unarchived social media posts that can be easily forged, deleted, or modified.
10. They hate U.S. President Donald Trump so much that they normally avoid saying "Trump" like the Bubonic Plague and do not offer any impartial criticism or say anything forgiving about him, believing that anyone who shows any sympathy or forgiveness towards him is a racist, neo-Nazi, or "wingnut" by association.
They like to whitewash originally well-intentioned but nowadays corrupt and violent groups such as Antifa, Black Lives Matter, and the feminist movement.
11. They deny that feminism in history has come in waves and that, in the recent past with third-wave feminism/feminazism, the feminist movement is now a shell of its former self. They even accuse anti-feminist women of being "hypocrites".
12. Anyone who does not support toxic modern feminism is automatically a "#sexist" in their eyes.
13. Anyone who does not support BLM's violent behavior is automatically a "#racist" in their eyes.
They mislabel people guilty of ethnic hatred or xenophobia as "racist" even though individual human races/skin colors are not one and the same as ethnicities or national identities.
14. Like many social justice warriors, they promote minority groups in ways that even minority groups themselves might find offensive. For example, they support LGBTQ2+ characters being inserted casually into entertainment regardless of quality or consequences, force everyone to accept them and condemn anyone who doesn’t accept them or care about their activism, and suggest that anyone who isn’t pro-LGBTQ2+ is automatically a homophobe. All of this essentially gives the LGBTQ2+ community in the real world a bad name.
15. They give credence to the idea that there are more than two genders.
16. As their Website's title implies, they have no qualms in using Christophobic (anti-Christian) language. For example, when discussing matters of Nazism and religion, they often go on screeds about how Adolf Hitler and the Nazi party were (allegedly) Christian. In reality, Hitler was staunchly opposed to mainstream Christianity, according to his Propaganda Minister Joseph Goebbels, and saw it as a branch of Judaism, which he of course hated even more. He thus invented the false religion of "positive Christianity" to deceive German Christians of the day into thinking that they were doing "God's work" by serving the führer.
17. Though one of their tags is "#moonbat" for quotes composed by "left-wing nutjobs," this tag is hardly ever used compared to "#wingnut" for quotes written by "right-wing nutjobs." This makes it even clearer that they are biased towards the left.
18. They like to present readers with crudely-made conclusions instead of letting the evidence speak for itself. This is more of an act of insecurity as they fear that people will not see things the way they do and expect every argument they make to be taken seriously.
19. Many of its members act toxically and intolerantly towards anyone who so much as disagrees with them.
Although they claim to have Christian users, hardly anyone ever comments on quotes to offer a Christian perspective nowadays.
20. They are extremely pro-social justice: they are primarily interested in attempting to correct people and being right, aggressively attacking all who disagree. They claim that this is for their own self-amusement when they write like they would establish dictatorial control over what people say on the Internet if they could, believing that what they do to their targets is somehow "needed". They admit that the only reason they support free speech is so they can have something to attack!
21. It underwent a major revamp in 2019, but its basic, blocky, blandly-colored aesthetics without any modern graphics or features make it look like it's from the late 1990s-early 2000s era.
22. That said, it suffers from a poor Website design overall because it lacks many features and technical conveniences that would be normally present on a message board. For example:
- There is no menu to select how many quotes/comments can be viewed per page, including in search results.
- Search engine filters/results sorters are not always as accurate as they could be.
- The search engine only works with finding quotes, not comments; nor does it list the number of results per search query.
- Sometimes, the last page of a search results list, for whatever reason, turns up completely blank.
- There is no option to report comments (probably intentional, given how the site encourages people to be mean-spirited).
- User pages are nothing more than lists of quotes users have found and comments they've made (probably to preserve their anonymity).
23. Its painfully unprofessional and outright immature logo features a "sexy flying Jesus penis," a crudely-photoshopped devil version of pop singer/songwriter Taylor Swift practicing martial arts, devils in flying saucers, a reptilian alien-type creature with devil horns, a NyQuil bottle with devil horns surrounded by fire, and what appears to be a Biblical leviathan in a bathtub (in reference to one of their more popular and infamous quotes from 2009) eating fast food from McDonald's.
24. If anyone dares to object to the 2020 Coronavirus quarantine or criticizes how governments handle it or how the media misrepresents data and statistics surrounding it, FSTDT will surely go on a witch hunt after them.
25. They do not take responsibility for their actions: they blame others for getting themselves quoted by FSTDT, even if they realize that they have the power and the choice not to quote people they don't like and not to let silly things people write online offend them so much. Moreover, no self-respecting FSTDT user will ever admit to SJW-type behavior.
Likewise, in their FAQ section under "But You're Defaming Me!" they try to rationalize their efforts to defame people by arguing that their targets are sabotaging themselves, not considering the possibility that the quotes they find might have different intended meanings than what they read.
26. When people on other Websites criticize or counter-mock them, they do not usually take the criticism or counter-mockery well.

Liberty Counsel for Flogging of Deceased Horses Award

"We'll Sue You In England"

Colonel-Knight-Rider #fundie #racist #homophobia #senpai_noticed_us change.org

Have you ever had anything you've said on the Internet misconstrued as racist, sexist, homophobic when you know you're not any of the three?
Have you ever been labelled a dangerous fundamentalist or religious "fanatic/nut" for innocently saying that God has a romantic match for you?
Have you ever been called harmful to society even if you've never intentionally mistreated someone of another skin color, someone of the opposite sex, someone with a different orientation than yours, or someone with a different faith than yours?
Have you ever been insulted for how you choose to present yourself online when you adopt a creative alter ego to do so?
Have you ever been accused of a god complex for paraphrasing cartoon Batman to both describe your current mood and make your dearest friends who know you well laugh?
Have you ever had personal identifying information (PII in legalese) that you've put on the Internet shared on another site without your permission so the person who steals your information can encourage others to mock, demean, defame, or otherwise indirectly harass you, only to have the harassers claim that they have the right to mock you because it's public?
Have you ever been mocked for choosing milk over alcohol?
I have. And, if any of the above applies to you, you're likely a victim of the aptly-named Website "Fundies Say The Darndest Things," too. They have been monitoring my every move on DeviantArt since early June this year, continuously waiting for me to post anything they disagree with or they believe they can ridicule and persecute, and refuse to cease and desist.
People of faith outnumber those without faith in the real world. However, since the dawn of the digital age, militant anti-theists (not to be confused with more pacifistic atheists and agnostics) have ruled the Internet with an iron fist, seeing as the Internet is a new, virtual territory previously unclaimed by any religion, culture, or nation. They have robbed ordinary, innocent people of all faiths of our right to free speech and tearing down everything we say based on the belief that only they should have fun and our lives should be a living nightmare. "Fundies Say The Darndest Things," which singles out ordinary people of faith and gangs up on them for their beliefs, only adds to the problem. For 16 years, they have reigned unopposed, taking our social media activity at random out of context to mischaracterize us all as racists, sexists, homophobes, and fundamentalists—allegedly for "fun"—when we know that being any of the four would violate the teachings that Christianity, Judaism, Islam, Buddhism, and most other leading religions were founded on. It's fair to say that they do sometimes find people who legitimately belong to the aforementioned hate groups, but those aren't most people of faith, and they know it, even if they refuse to admit it.
They are also guilty of confirmation bias—I once wrote an extensive rebuttal to their claims that I'm "racist," which they honestly requested, but they only quoted the parts they felt they could attack and ignored anything they could not.
Worst of all, they have willingly dug into my past DeviantArt journal entries and posted some of what I consider to be PII, including autobiographical information about me and my immediate and extended family, to encourage others to indirectly harass me. As a resident of California, I can honestly say that this is ILLEGAL per California Penal Code 653.2 PC.
In sum, FSTDT is a criminal syndicate that uses unethical and illegal means to accomplish a nihilistic goal that only worsens relations among people with and without faith. Despite their claims of innocuousness, the majority of FSTDT users has no respect for others' rights to their faiths. They will never post anything positive about whomever they choose to attack. Their entire business model is centered on tearing people down, and they continue to harass targets for as long as said targets continue to post anything that contradicts what FSTDT's populace believes, seemingly never losing interest in their targets. They are serial cyberstalkers who represent the very basic problem with the Internet and social media: a lot of times, we think we know someone we've never met in the real world, but we don't. And although I admit to making this mistake, too, at least I try to get to know the truth when I realize I've done wrong. FSTDT refuses to do likewise because they are mindless sociopaths who can neither feel guilt nor control their animalistic impulses. They are an infinitesimally small but obnoxiously loud group of Internet users hopelessly addicted to finding things they disagree with to fuel the hatred off of which they thrive. Therefore, unless they learn to agree to disagree (which they have told me to do but have made no effort to practice themselves), they must be vanquished from the Internet. In the meantime, you are advised to take extreme caution when dealing with FSTDT—they could distort literally anything you say. And don't be surprised if you find this petition posted on their Website and see them tearing it down. That's just their customary addiction at work.
And remember: the Internet has no real power to define who you are. You have the natural right to define who you are. Do not let hatred on the Internet destroy you in the real world. You are not racist. You are not sexist. You are not homophobic. You are not fundamentalistic. You do not have a god complex. You are loved. Because you are loved, no hatred can touch you. Internet negativity against you is not a power. It is nothing to fear. It is a direct insult to true strength which is bound to destroy itself.

Colonel-Knight-Rider #sexist #racist #homophobia #fundie #senpai_noticed_us deviantart.com

Speaking of political tribalism, there's a Website that's been around since 2003 called Fundies Say The Darndest Things (FSTDT, for ease of reference). It's a safe harbor where staunchly leftist atheists and skeptics believe they're free to anonymously ridicule and mock whatever they take out of context. As a former 40-year atheist who calls himself Stan wrote five years ago, "…there is a link to context, but no one seems to have used it in my case [or in any target's case]. It's the sort of snake pit where the target du jour is countered with comments like '[censored],' and the standard logic errors which they insist are the logical answers to the 'idiot' they are trashing." I've been targeted by one such FSTDT member, who joined the site upon discovering my DA page: a third-wave feminist of likely British origin, given how she spells specific words, known only as JustAlongForTheRide. She's called me racist, sexist, homophobic, and a Christian Fundamentalist—all things that I know are completely untrue about me—simply because I'm a straight, white Protestant male who's politically and fiscally conservative. She's also done the same to Claire, a young lesbian friend of mine, plus a lesbian pornographic writer friend of mine who uses the pen name Sunny Johansen. I find both ironic on multiple levels.

In addition, I may have voted for Trump but only because I perceived him as the lesser of two evils (he knows what to say but not how to say it). John Kasich was my actual first choice because of his professional cadence. Not that the folks at FSTDT care because, to them, anybody who votes for Trump is "in love" with him and is required by law to be subject to as much public shaming as he is. :roll: :laughing:

So, be on the lookout for a completely anonymous British woman with no discernible features: if you say anything she doesn't like, she will take it out of context and use it against you.

Colonel-Knight-Rider #racist #homophobia #senpai_noticed_us deviantart.com


Image transcript
(Drawing of an overweight man with glasses and light brown hair/beard. He only wears light blue pants and „FSTDT“ is written across his belly.)

The Neckbeard SJW Atheist
- Has no religious friends because he treats people of all religions like they‘re fundamentalists.
- „When Bernie is President...“
- Forms his ideology around My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic.
- Still thinks former President Obama can do no wrong.
- Majored in gender studies in college and now works as a GameStop cashier.
- Believes all traditional displays of masculinity to be „toxic“.
- Sees a social media post from an ordinary person he disagrees with and shares it on FSTDT, not caring how it might affect the other person.
- Thinks „Baby, It‘s Cold Outside“ should be banned.
- Believes political conservatives have no redeeming qualities.
- Will stop at nothing until he publicly humiliates everyone who disagrees with him into converting to his cause.

(Drawing of the typical Chad from the Incel vs. Chad meme but bald instead of the iconic triangular hairdo, dressed in a police uniform)

- Loves his many religious friends and is particularly interested in Buddhism.
- „I don‘t particularly care for Sanders. He‘s not even a democratic socialist.“
- Forms his ideology around experiences of personal growth and learning.
- Has legitimate, fair, constructive criticism of former President Obama.
- Was a first responder for five years and has gone back to school to study medicine.
- Relishes in traditional masculinity by riding his motorcycle, listening to metal, celebrating Viking culture, and building or fixing things.
- Sees a social media post from an ordinary person he disagrees with and doesn‘t do anything with it because he knows there are more important things in life than bashing ordinary people who disagree with you on the Internet.
- Likes metal too much to care about „Baby, It‘s Cold Outside“.
- Admires some political conservatives like President Eisenhower and Wilhelm Canaris, the latter of whom was notably deceived by Hitler.
- Doesn‘t care if you agree or disagree with him. Too focused on healthy personal growth to even bat an eye.

A gift for [redacted] in light of people over the past summer taking some of my comedically intended conservative commentary on this site, misinterpreting it as "racist" or "homophobic," and then making their smear campaign of me on the Website Fundies Say the Darndest Things a top search result for "Colonel Knight Rider," which I fear will cause people to think I'm a fundamentalist hack, or at least a racist or homophobe, when I'm not. It's a variation of an Internet meme which I've dubbed too explicit for my family-friendly gallery (hence my also tastefully censoring what lies below each figure's waist) designed to explain the difference between the sociopathic troll atheists from FSTDT vs. one so kind, selfless, and friendly that he makes the blog The Friendly Atheist look like Voldemort by comparison.

Colonel-Knight-Rider #moonbat #wingnut #racist #ableist #god-complex deviantart.com

Another Victory over Schneider (VoS) Day is coming up on March 26, so I thought I'd post the first half of a story I've been working on since last year, to be contributed to The-Doctor-W's DeviantArt Extended Universe, of which I'm probably the biggest fan. ^^;

Daniel James "Dan" Schneider is a xenophobic, possibly pedophilic television writer and producer who created a long list of live-action sitcoms on Nickelodeon. In two episodes of the first season of his sitcom iCarly (2007-2012), which follows two teenage girls who host a Webcast show, the recurring character Miss Briggs, portrayed by actress Mindy Sterling as a stereotypical "mean teacher," is shown to have an interest in the Scottish culture of her ancestors. However, odd as it may seem, no sane, rational American teenager or young adult within this universe likes bagpipes or Highland dancing, which, according to Schneider, are the only two things that separate Scottish culture from other cultures. This overgeneralization about American teenage and young adult attitudes towards Scottish culture is conclusive evidence that Dan Schneider is a xenophobic man with an infinite supply of cultural prejudices but complete lack of regard for his physical health (there's nothing wrong with being moderately chubby like Princess Elsie, but to say morbid obesity doesn't cause increased risk of health problems is simply ignoring all evidence!). As a half-Scottish person born and raised in America, I've become outspoken about this issue that's gone overlooked by the mainstream media since the episode aired.


God bless you, Mindy Sterling, whose last name and red hair are obvious indicators of Scottish ancestry, for enduring Schneider's gross misrepresentations of our culture laden with factual inaccuracies. As of March 26, 2018, FREEDOM! IS!! OURS!!!

Colonel-Knight-Rider #wingnut #conspiracy #senpai_noticed_us deviantart.com

(Conspiracy due to the fact that The Colonel is blatantly making things up on his own at this point, including deciding what Skide did and does)

Speak of the Devil! That’s none other than the man who played a horror movie-themed prank on me in the sumner of 2020 and hacked the first iteration of my Discord server: the villainous Niam2020! He is a member of a group called Fundies Say The Darndest Things (FSTDT), which Clairy calls “A harrassment blog for making fun of anyone who’s not alt-left.” Someone who knows him named Agnes has described him to me as “a stalker” and “for all we know a very neurotic and unstable individual” who “likes to play with his meal,” although Agnes, a former friend of Claire’s who betrayed her trust, does not. Back during Niam’s activity spikes, Agnes used to reban him an average three times a day from FSTDT’s own Discord server. He also once had a DA account where he and a few friends made hate art out of me and my characters, including one where Hayley, the woman who is the reason I know FSTDT exists, zaps me with a magic laser to turn me into an atheist against my will.

Colonel-Knight-Rider #senpai_noticed_us #elitist #wingnut deviantart.com

(In reply to this rant of YourClairyGodmother’s)

Chloe? You don’t mean Chloe from F-Sexually-Transmitted-Disease-T, do you? Or is this a different Chloe? Either way, what’s her DA page? I’ll block her in your honor. :salute:

I think it would be wisest to preserve every bit of evidence of everybody who’s bullied you—including those in the Rayman community, on DA, and on FSTDT—as PDFs as well as print-outs, then create a physical binder of said print-outs to present to the police while also emailing the PDFs. I can show you a cool Website I found with a downloadable Word file to create an evidence chart if you like. Even if nothing comes from it, you can rest easy knowing that, once again, you occupy the moral high ground.

Oh, and, if you mention NiamTrollyTrolly, please be sure to tell the police about his psychotic obsession with me as well as you. If they ask to contact me, you know what my CKR email is.

Colonel-Knight-Rider #racist deviantart.com


[Transcript: “I’ve been called a racist. Who cares.]

[And in the comments…]

In the meantime, I'm going to do a tried, tested, and true method to make sure FSTDT vanishes from my top Google search results: simply create more social media accounts bearing my user name and draw more crowds to them, starting with Genius Lyrics. I've got 245 "IQ" points already, 100 just for adding an avatar!

Colonel-Knight-Rider #homophobia deviantart.com

I sometimes like to joke that July is when the REAL month for Americans to be proud begins, but one radical SJW I met in a spirited game of RuneScape—an old MMO game that I started playing a couple of months ago since I needed a real game again after getting bored with smartphone games—told me that it's impossible for me to be proud to be an American unless I've done something to earn it. Not only does that statement make absolutely no sense (if interpreted literally, it only applies to the Founding Fathers and the Continental Army who liberated America in the first place), but it's also flat-out hypocritical. Being part of the LGBTQ+ community is not something one technically accomplishes any more than is having a certain skin color or being an American citizen. And I can be proud of others' achievements such as my brother earning his Ph. D., the historic Revolutionaries leading the Revolution, Civil Rights activists ending racial segregation, and so on.

Some people just aren't worth my time or attention.

Colonel-Knight-Rider #sexist #racist deviantart.com

[Excerpt from a short story in CKR's original universe, using an avatar of someone he has had a quarrel with as a villain, apparently without their knowledge or permission. In this bit, the hero stops to talk values with his dad.]

“I did, Pops! Feminism today isn’t what it was in the beginning. Nor are a lot of activist movements or their spinoffs. We now have women who vote, run companies, hold political offices, and much more. Discrimination against them is losing its grip on society. And all that’s terrific! But some people are just addicted to playing the victim card to get attention even after all those discrimination problems are resolved.”

“Aye! The same goes for people with darker skin. More families of theirs than afore are in the middle and upper class as well as the government, and that number’s growin’ daily on every planet you can name. And what’s more, the man in charge of Columbia’s workin’ tae aid those of them who are still stuck in poverty as a part of his mission tae put Columbia first. But hatin’ on their police and threatening tae kill the man in charge when he hasn’t ordered the death of anybody on his planet who doesn’t look like him? Those are takin’ it a wee bit too far.”

“Yeah, they’re all like, ‘Orange man bad!’” Robert and Angus laughed in unison. “I mean, I feel sorry for the guy because he doesn’t always know how to say what to say, but having him in charge of one planet won’t bring about the end of the universe.”

Colonel-Knight-Rider and Friends #fundie #elitist #racist #wingnut twitter.com

(An entire thread that captured some of Colonel Knight Rider’s little Discord group where they’re trying to push a “reformation” of DeviantArt. It shouldn’t be a surprise their reform is, well, terrible. Here’s some that really stood out.)

Colonel Knight Rider:
Okay. @everyone these are our proposed ideas for a DA reform bill so far:
Make the site unable to use for anyone under 18.
Make our pages private.
Pay to have multiple accounts.

Towers of Obscure:
I'm strongly AGAINST paid sites. They have strings attached that make it hard to keep a home.
It would keep out the commies like Xhe and people that couldn't afford to pay... keeping it safe for
decent people.
Towers of Obscure:
So you're implying a "the rich get richer" philosophy? Have it free for Americans but paid for everyone
else? Did you forget that Claire is Canadian? Try thinking about her and everyone else!
Claire is wealthy

Colonel Knight Rider:
I reported another Xhe sockpuppet. This one doxxed my last name.
For that reason, I don't want to say what it was.
I want to harm him..her...them...no, IT. Because I refuse to believe it is even human.
It is nothing more than a delusional, hate-spouting machine looking for reasons to get angry, With no
regard for the laws it claims to abide by.
It also calls the Chinese a minority. Even though most people in the world are Chinese.
It must die.
It is too stupid to live.
It cannot be reasoned with

Colonel-Knight-Rider #homophobia deviantart.com

I thought it was too late, but, due to the calendar period ever Emmys ceremony covers, Steven Universe episode “Reunited” got the Creative Arts Emmy nomination I thought it would.

*Sigh,* Does it really need to be said why? :roll:

Oh, well—now I can give the episode in my review journal the parody title I always wanted: “Creative Arts Emmy Bait IV: By the Power Vested in Me through the Animators and CN Executives who Willingly Resort to Using a Lesbian Wedding as a Cheap Gimmick to Boost Ratings, I Now Pronounce You Rubellen and Sapportia.”

Colonel-Knight-Rider #racist #sexist #fundie #wingnut deviantart.com

[Not the complete work. Just the, ahem, “highlights”.]


In Missouri, my mother found the public education system was clearly flawed, as evidenced by the Montessori preschool model, so homeschooling became our choice of education from grades K-8. With that, my brother and I gradually became conscious of persistent politically liberal bias and racial discrimination against Caucasians in education, so we developed strong rebuttals to incorrect assumptions and overgeneralizations of political conservatives and Caucasians like us. While our parents emphasized education with minimal time for many (but not all) of the films, TV series, and video games that many of my peers love (and every summer was spent studying something!), we received a rich cultural knowledge from all decades preceding 2000. In adulthood, though, we have increased our knowledge of 21st century popular culture thanks to Web searching and being more actively involved in reading the news. Altogether, we two brothers were raised to succeed and to think deeply about life.

As time passed, I learned more and more of the legacy of my mother’s father, a renaissance man in whose honor I was named. He proposed to his future wife the first of two times at age 10 […] and he had Herculean strength that let him balance people on one hand. Most of all, he saw good in everything and everyone, something I aspire to do even when faced with the fiercest of adversaries.

[…] The San Francisco Bay Area was where I spent my elementary and most of my middle school years. There, I attended various homeschool “park days” and made some acquaintances, but I wish I had more social skills to make lasting friends—come to think of it, some of them needed social skills improvement, too.

The family moved up to the Seattle Area in September 2005 for 8th grade through high school. I discovered the power of distance learning, which I found was like homeschooling with remotely submittable homework. At a homeschool co-op, where I attended extracurricular classes, I met Stephanie, an aspiring impressionist painter whom I assumed would be the love of my life until six years later, when I learned I’d been accidentally convinced that her family didn’t drink alcohol when they did (but I learned not to raise my expectations in women too high, so that was good). In 2007, I met another girl whom I assumed would be the love of my life—Jana, a possible incarnate angel (not an incarnate winged humanoid but an incarnate thought from God) who encouraged me to pursue singing on stage—until I chose to email Stephanie more frequently over her (regrettably! ^^;) and we lost touch.


At about age 9, I watched the film Super Mario Bros., loosely based upon the eponymous video game series, and believed it my destiny to remake the commercial and critical failure, confident that my work would succeed.

At age 16, I saw 2008’s attempt to reboot Glen A. Larson’s classic 1982-86 TV series Knight Rider and became fascinated with the idea of having a hyper-competent automobile for a sidekick. Since I’ve always loved the idea of suits of armor as symbols of protection and strength, I pictured an actual, armored Medieval knight inside a talking car, and the image of superhero “Captain Knight Rider” was born. I soon after changed the name to “Colonel Knight Rider” after watching an episode of the classic period sitcom Hogan's Heroes, whose main character happens to be named Colonel Robert E. Hogan (Bob Crane), because I felt “Captain” was an overused title for costumed vigilantes. Until I volunteered to help out with the Webcomic Nash & Friends, this image was nothing more than an abstract concept in my head. He had no defined world, personality, friends, or enemies for years.


Today, I’m a young accountant who consults with a startup where my father acts as CFO, and I have a contract accounting job with a customer base relations aid company that may become a full-time position—if God decides it's a good match, of course.

Colonel-Knight-Rider #conspiracy #racist deviantart.com

{Context: a DeviantArt user was suspended for posting “deviations critical of Islamic terror” there, saying he’s silenced. His brother had a conversation with a few other deviants.
CKR responded in the comments as follows.}

I’m sorry for your brother’s loss. :huggle:

Have I, or has your brother, told you of the evils of Fundies Say The Darndest Things (FSTDT)? They are, as my friend Claire puts it, a harrassment Website dedicated to the criticism of anyone who isn’t alt-left. One of their more neurotic and unstable members, a compulsive stalker with ASPD nicknamed Niam2020, is the site’s self-appointed default DeviantArt spy, who played an elaborate prank on me in late summer of 2020 themed around an esoteric horror flick I didn’t know existed, then somehow snuck onto my private Discord server a year later, where your brother was a member, to screenshot our conversations and accuse almost everyone there of “racism.” Including Claire, the least racist person I know. I suspect he has something to do with your brother’s ban.

Seriously, Niam has a lot of gall attacking me because I was once tempted to violate others’ privacy before my conscience stopped me and then actually doing what I didn’t have the nerve to do.

Colonel-Knight-Rider #conspiracy #wingnut #crackpot #sexist twitter.com

[In response to a tweet saying “Is it just me or has the world gotten significantly more sexualized in the past few years?”]

You can blame the 1960s for that. Now, we measure our worth by how many times we’ve been intimate. And those with no carnal knowledge who feel pressured by society to compete get mocked and called “incels” instead of being given the help they need, which leads to disaster.

Colonel-Knight-Rider #fundie deviantart.com

-Why would I lie to you about empathy considering that’s what you want to see from me? Of course, we both got angry at each other eventually. But I will tell you that I wrote an apology last October, in which I even gave credence to his argument that I don’t understand how gay people work, to which he has yet to respond. On a related note, for a guy who’s going on and on and on about empathy and accepting people as they are, this journal doesn’t appear to contain any message like that. I wish you’d practice more of what you preach, but I doubt that’ll come true.
-Excuse me! You are not in a position to tell my parents, or anyone’s parents for that matter, how to raise a child without saying it directly to them. You don’t know them, and they don’t know you. And besides, they said I need to forgive them because forgiveness is what Christianity is ultimately all about, so I do forgive them. It’s not good to hold on to grudges, especially those towards people you don’t know. That said, I need to let go of my grudge against Realshow because I don’t know who he really is and because he’s moved on to other projects.
-I never said my parents yanked out my baby tooth. I said they wiggled it to test how lose it was at the time. When I disobeyed them by throwing a hissy fit, they punished me for disobedience so I would never again react like an immature child to having a deciduous tooth wiggled. And it worked!

Colonel-Knight-Rider #god-complex deviantart.com

Remember: if she approaches you through any social media channel and tries to badmouth me, know that I am not a homophobe. I am virtue. I am honor. I am purity. I am justice. I am righteousness. I am a light of hope in darkness and despair.


(Sorry…I just got excited.)

Colonel-Knight-Rider #homophobia #fundie deviantart.com

saturdaystorytellers, alias characterconsultancy, is up to her tricks again, calling me "homophobic" and trying to convert me into an LGBTQ+ activism ally just because I didn't want to feel guilty for including gay Pokémon in a collaborative fanfiction that didn't involve her, knowing that doing so would compromise the virtues I was raised with. And, this time, she's posted an entire self-righteous journal entry about it on the second of these accounts.

Discrimination and the Work I Do, by characterconsultancy

Look, Rowan: I don't care what your sexuality is. Please just stop trying to force it on me, okay? Lord knows I don't force my heterosexuality on you. What if I told you it's heterophobic to assume heterosexuals are inherently homophobic? And never tell me that my parents don't love me unconditionally. They love me no matter what I do to unintentionally upset them. Even if I told them right now I use DeviantArt, they wouldn't like the fact that I use it but would still love me as a person with all their hearts. They were first to suggest that I should be a voice actor. The fact that you think they dislike me as a person even to a small degree only proves that you're still bitter about your parents' not approving of your being a lesbian. You can't tell me who to be. You can't tell Mom and Dad who to be. So, stop playing mind games and leave me alone. I will change only for God, not for a stranger I met online.

I hope the next voice acting talent agent I find doesn't have a god complex as big as yours.

Colonel-Knight-Rider #fundie #pratt deviantart.com

Remember, watchers: if you ever hear me speak out against the lockdown or how the media depicts the reasons for the lockdown, that does not mean I want to harm you guys by exposing you to danger. My words are only "harmful" if people act on them by putting themselves in danger. To the best of my knowledge, no one I know has acted on my lockdown criticisms or caught the virus as a result. Thank goodness!

I also do not condone any rash decisions people might make based on my speaking out against the lockdown—that's tempting fate, which I don't encourage anyone to do. There's a reason why I tell a group of knights in a cartoon of mine to keep their visors down in the presence of others.

Colonel-Knight-Rider #fundie #conspiracy #psycho deviantart.com

(Excerpt from the story “Ego Trap”)

Robert nodded. “I’ll have what she’s having, please and thank you in advance.” But the scooper did not fill his order right away. “Uh, hey, is there something wrong? Are you fresh out of Cookie Dough? I can get some cream from the cattle farms in Whitecrown and…”

A chilly detachment overcame the scooper’s disposition, his face now inexplicably devoid of expression and his body standing as still as an idle nonplayer character in a retro video game. The knight in interwoven buckypaper armor and his friends had no trouble picking up the cues to indicate that something was off. “I cannot serve you,” he mumbled.

“Um, excuse me, but could you please speak up?”

The three humans, one half-Naiad, and one phoenix all crept backwards and watched in awe as the scooper’s skin turned gray, his eyes changed to empty black circles, his ears shrunk into his head, his nose grew pointy like a perfect right triangle, his mouth became minimalist black line, and his clothes shrunk into his androgynous body. Now more clearly but mechanically, he repeated, “I cannot serve you. You are a person with faith in a religion and forms principles around that religion.”

“So what? A lot of my friends do, and so does my family.”

“By the power of our master Rowena Oaks, you are not permitted under any circumstances to vocalize your religion, as she has observed you doing in the past.”


Sparks flew from the automaton’s head, which began to spin at increasing speeds. “Prayer detected! CODE RED! CODE RED! CODE RED!” And the automaton’s head flew off and rocketed around the room, ricocheting off of a freezer, a menu, a table, a lamp hanging from the ceiling, a chair, and a promotional poster, among other obstacles before crashing and burning out at Robert’s feet.


In the ensuing rampage, Team Colonel Knight Rider held up well against the automaton army, making their heads explode with every slash, smash, and shot. Not seeing an end to their numbers any time soon, Robert tried radioing COLT to bring in backup, but this time, COLT did not answer. As soon as he turned his attention away from his radio and back to the battlefield, his pupils shrank at the sight of three automatons using their bare fists to phase through Elsie, Fionna, and Max. Sure enough, they all shook as they painfully morphed into automaton versions of themselves, chanting, “Prayer detected! CODE RED! CODE RED! CODE RED!”

(Later in the fight, CKR gets captured. Rowena Oaks, who is clearly based on CKR’s perception of JustAlongForTheRide, is a mad scientist/atheist cultist who uses “Indoctrination gas” to turn CKR’s mother into a straw leftist feminist automaton who tries to behead his father for not believing that “orange man bad”. She is easily incapicitated and cured by the power of prayer. Despite this, no one ever thinks of all the other automata they’ve killed, and indeed, CKR later brutally kills another automaton with no comment. In the end, Rowena commits suicide out of fear of having failed her master, Mordred.)

Colonel-Knight-Rider #elitist #dunning-kruger #senpai_noticed_us #wingnut rottenwebsites.miraheze.org

Okay, guys, listen: I know that this whole Wiki will likely be taken down in a few days, along with its Fresh counterpart. But, before RWW and FWW die, I should say that I wanted to write this article in the first place because it's not just about me. My friends have been targeted by the site as well. If I alone were being targeted, I would have called the FBI. Which I have done with no response because you know how slow the U.S. government can be.

I knew full well that this article would risk coming under scrutiny for bias (come to think of it, there's at least little bias everywhere on Wikis that deal with "greatest/fresh" and "worst/terrible/rotten" media subjects), so I added the Redeeming Qualities section because I don't necessarily believe the site to be pure evil. It's merely lost its way over time, as many KiwiFarms users who formerly used the site have said. Perhaps that first header should say: "Why It Sucks Now?"

The truth is, while I tried to reason with FSTDT so they'll leave me alone, I learned that their true intent for becoming my "friends" was to fuel me with their ideology--something regular user Skide later admitted to one of my true friends, too. So, the way I see it, it needs to be either restored to its original mission (i.e., going after only extremists, not moderates like me) or closed down for all time.

I simply need moral/psychological support as well as people to help me contribute more regularly to the article for the short time that this Wiki may continue to exist. I've done 90% of the work and 100% of the source citations. I've expected you guys to do you fair share, too, and I'm saddened that not one of you has in two years.

Colonel-Knight-Rider #fundie deviantart.com

(because child abuse is TOTALLY okay if the parents say you brought it on yourself. Keep in mind CKR wants a family of his own.)

-You think I don’t know that I’m “questioning” my parents by being on social media? Well, duh! Of course, I am! But that doesn’t necessarily mean I’ll abandon all of their teachings. What I didn’t say in the poem I wrote was that I was the source of their acts of physical aggression because I was a disobedient child in those instances. It’s not their fault. It’s mine.

Colonel-Knight-Rider #elitist #racist #wingnut deviantart.com

Well, thank you for that summary of what you've been up to with family and travelling! Also, you made the right choice not to move to my third-world state [California]. Come back when the scenery and the culture is a little more… gentrified.

Wait, I'm pretty sure Jack Whitehall took his father Michael on a trip to LA and Las Vegas.

Colonel-Knight-Rider #pratt #wingnut #dunning-kruger #senpai_noticed_us rottenwebsites.miraheze.org

[Submitter’s note: The “sources” listed for 2 are all links to Kiwifarms.]

2. A number of people who formerly used or at least visited FSTDT have noted that the site used to be more about satirizing unusually high levels of religious extremism but has since devolved into a front for sociopolitical leftism and zealous antitheism.[5][6][7]

13. They appear to have a weak grasp of hyperbole and tend to submit quotes intended as jokes or lighthearted satire. Ironically, RationalWiki, which FSTDT claims to be a proud partner of, has called them out on this by noting the site inevitably suffers from Poe's Law: they cannot always read a quote author's intended tone of voice unless there is a clear indicator of that tone.

34. They support the hypocritical, unscientific "fat acceptance movement", which teaches that there is nothing unhealthy about morbid obesity despite extensive research into the subject conducted by medical professionals worldwide. Anyone who speaks out against this movement is considered an "#ableist" in their eyes.

Colonel-Knight-Rider #racist deviantart.com

As long as the hashtag “#racist” still appears in the top results when people search for my public display name, I figured I should take the liberty of explaining why this is not true. At the risk of being harassed yet again by the stranger who’s been monitoring my every move since June, these are the major reasons why I’m #notracist.


2. I call Jordan Peele’s Get Out the most racist comedy (emphasis on comedy) I’ve ever seen because it’s a Stepford Wives ripoff that presents a nonexistent and very peculiar dichotomy between African American culture and white American culture. I laughed my lungs out the whole way through because of that.
3. Speaking of which, while the Oscars were once biased against African Americans, I believe they’re now biased against white Americans, especially given the nature of last year’s Best Picture nominations. As it says in one of my favorite MLK memes ever: “Don’t be racist against blacks. Don’t be racist against whites. It’s not complicated, people!” Sadly, the United States has a long history of polar extremes at each other’s throats.
5. I have multiracial and multinational fantasy voiceover casts in my Nintendo Cinematic Universe fanfiction movie plot summary journals not because of their national origins or skin colors but because I believe they can best capture their assigned characters’ personalities.
6. Even if I were prejudiced against Russians, which I’m not, I still wouldn’t technically be racist because Russian is NOT a race. It’s one of many cultural expressions of the white race. Cultural prejudice would be a more accurate term. Nevertheless, calling the folks who steal DeviantArt accounts and replace all their content with bogus porn site links Russian and saying that they perpetuate negative stereotypes of Russians does not make me culturally prejudiced against Russians. I’m simply condemning the crooks for making peaceable Russians, which I acknowledge make up most of the country’s populace, look bad. Every color, culture, and creed in the world has a majority of law-abiding people and a small percent of crooks. My father once said that, to every stereotype, there is a tiny kernel of truth. Therefore, stereotypes are those tiny kernels of truth blown to obscene proportions.

[After that it either repeats itself or goes on long rants about the readership here at FSTDT which I didn’t include so as to avoid going to tl;dr. Feel free to look at it yourself.]

Colonel-Knight-Rider #crackpot #elitist #dunning-kruger #wingnut deviantart.com

That's not necessarily why I called her an entitled snowflake. I simply put down that she never had to deal with the struggle to overcome antisemitism the way Tartakovsky's entire family did to make her story seem…less triumphant or heroic. And I called her an entitled snowflake because that's how older generations perceive those born c. 1982-96—the common stereotype is that Millennials never had to struggle through life for any number of reasons, bigotry or not, like their parents did. It may not be true of my whole generation, but to every stereotype, there is a grain of truth.

Colonel-Knight-Rider #wingnut #dunning-kruger #pratt #conspiracy #senpai_noticed_us rottenwebsites.miraheze.org

But, in case this site is spared and you still think this article should be deleted, I will mention that I've been afraid to cite sources about me because some of the most damaging ones contain personal information doxxed about me. Several times, they've doxed my religion (which I made several FSTDTers promise me in writing that they would not post publicly when I was trying to explain to them that I'm not a fundamentalist). And now, they enjoy punishing me for what some may call "wrongthink", including one time when Niam2020 made a piece of hate art in which one of his friends, who introduced me to the site, dresses up as the villain from 'Power Rangers' and zaps me with a magic laser to turn me into an atheist against my will. It is clear that 'any' religious views, not just the extreme ones, that don't line up with theirs count as "fundie".

The stress of knowing that these people continue to periodically prowl around my social media pages and one time gain unauthorized access to my Discord server in search of reasons to paint a one-sided narrative of me and my friends as all sorts of "bigots" (which we are NOT) has cost me valuable hours of sleep, given me a headache that has throbbed all hours of the day nonstop for three years no matter how I try to treat it, caused part of my hair to recede, and could jeopardize my relationships with people I know IRL if they ever found out about its heinous existence.

Colonel-Knight-Rider #wingnut #ufo #crackpot #senpai_noticed_us rottenwebsites.miraheze.org

26. If anyone dares to object to the 2020 Coronavirus quarantine or criticizes how governments handle it or how the media misrepresents data and statistics surrounding it, FSTDT will surely go on a witch hunt after them.

27. At their absolute worst, FSTDT will prioritize spreading left-wing extremism over expressing basic human empathy. For instance, they once accused Mary Ann Mendoza, a grieving mother and an associate of Donald Trump, of racism after she condemned illegal Mexican immigrants for killing her son Sergeant Brandon. This is made much more problematic by their not outwardly caring about the fact that Mendoza is herself of Hispanic ethnic origin.

28. They do not take responsibility for their actions: they blame others for getting themselves quoted by FSTDT, even if they realize that they have the power and the choice not to quote people they don't like and not to let silly things people write online offend them so much. Moreover, no self-respecting FSTDT user will ever admit to SJW-type behavior: they don't seem to care that copious comments made by regular users could be classified as "#fundie" themselves.

29. Likewise, in their FAQ section under "But You're Defaming Me!" they try to rationalize their efforts to defame people by arguing that their targets are sabotaging themselves, not considering the possibility that the quotes they find might have different intended meanings than what they read.

30. Despite one of their tags being "#conspiracy", regular FSTDT users believe in conspiracy theories of their own. Some believe that anyone who does not support Black Lives Matter secretly hates the black race, while others believe that anyone who objects to homosexuality is secretly homosexual themselves.

Colonel-Knight-Rider #sexist #racist #homophobic #fundie deviantart.com

[Highlights from a piece titled “My Complete Failed Attempts At Romance”]


When I was 19, I realized I had fooled myself into thinking Stephanie and her family didn't drink alcohol when they did.

When I was 20, my brother's then-girlfriend found for me Maria, a practice date, but I was so stupid and ignorant because of my ADD that I didn't even remember the plan. Then again, she was only a practice date because she was Hispanic Catholic, and we can't marry any Catholics.

When I was 23, I thought I had a shot with Kelsey, but she then decided she was a lesbian and moved to Canada.

When I was 24, I thought I had a shot with Chelsae before she never replied to my pseudo-date invitation. Later, I realized I would've betrayed my family principles if I'd dated her because she had a complicated floral tattoo on her neck's back, conveniently concealed by her hair.

Also when I was 24, I tried online dating and thought I had a shot with a cheerful, perfectly curvy, redheaded, God-fearing aspiring writer until I realized she had probably found a match three weeks earlier.

So, my single watchers: if you think you're struggling to get a love life, you haven't seen my own struggles.

Perhaps Mom was right: the best option is to move to the Southern U.S. and find one of an infinite supply of matchmakers at a church whose wisdom and male mind-reading skills could have me walking down the aisle in a month.

Colonel-Knight-Rider #fundie #elitist #ableist twitter.com

(Our old pal Colonel KR has made quite a few Tweets that are… something that are just regarding cartoons. These are two tweets in the same thread. Bolding my own)

-Suffers from PTSD despite everyone bending over backwards for his beliefs.
-Tries to force friends to stay together and fails hard.
-Didn't grow up with a stable family life and got way too much freedom.
-Kills someone who only wants to help him control his PTSD.

Samurai Jack:
-Has PTSD for a more credible reason.
-Does not force friendships.
-Has amazingly good parents and teachers from around the world.
-Spares a woman who wants to kill him; she has a change of heart and helps him remember who he is.

Aisling O'Loughlin #crackpot #conspiracy #fundie #pratt aislingoloughlin.substack.com

Somewhere deep inside of ourselves we all know we’re not on a spinning rock. We know Australia isn’t Down Unda. We know our aussie mates aren’t walking around upside-down and rotating at the same time. We know gravity doesn’t make any sense when applied to vast oceans tipped over and under and swirling. We know how water works. It always finds its level within a container. Sea level is there for all to see. There is no curvature of the earth. We’re stationary. The sun, moon and the stars move around us. It’s not rocket science. Although it kind of is if you study the way a rocket curves and lands.

Thing is, we’ve been trained not to trust our God-given intelligence. Leave it to the experts. To Hollywood. To NASA. Our tiny little brains couldn’t possibly understand. It doesn’t matter that it makes no sense. It’s science! Where have we heard that before? Trust the science.

Well no. I don’t trust the science one little bit. Especially Jesuit science. The heliocentric model is a fraud in my book. Let’s throw in evolution, dinosaurs and Einstein’s theory of relativity while we’re at it. Nope. Not buying them. Call me a heretic all you like. Sane people have been thrown into lunatic asylums for less. I’ll do my own research and draw my own conclusions. Laugh. Mock. Snarl. Threaten. I don’t care. I will honour my innate intelligence. I refuse to believe absurdities.

People say, ‘Who cares?’ What does it matter? We have more important things to discuss right now’. I care. It matters. It exposes the foundational lie that all the other scientism lies were built upon. The Galileo inquisition from 1616 was a show trial. Shady members of the Vatican were in on it, playing devil’s advocate in order to promote the false perception of reality and rewrite astrological history. The aim: To discredit the Bible which places a stationary earth under a ‘firmament’. Snort all you like. This spiritual battle isn’t for softies. Discernment required.

Priya, Hemant and Preeti #fundie #psycho economictimes.indiatimes.com

The body of Mahesh Gupta, aged 44, was discovered at the residence of Priya, identified as the primary suspect, late on Wednesday. Priya, along with her brother Hemant and sister-in-law Preeti, were apprehended by the police on Friday in connection with the murder. Gupta, a resident of Kacha Bazaar Ambala Cantt and the proprietor of a local shop, sustained injuries to his legs and behind his ears, as per authorities

During police interrogations, the suspects revealed that they targetted the shopkeeper for a human sacrifice. She claimed that a goddess had been appearing in her dreams over the past few days, demanding a human life. Gupta's brother narrated that Gupta regarded Priya as his sister and had gone to deliver goods from his shop to her house on Wednesday. Concerned when he did not return and was unreachable by phone, the family initiated a search and involved the authorities. Subsequently, Gupta's scooter was found near Priya's residence, leading to the discovery of the crime

Upon entering Priya's house, Gupta's brother and others observed Priya, Preeti, and Hemant attempting to move an unconscious Gupta on the floor with a scarf around his neck. Gupta was rushed to a hospital but was pronounced dead upon arrival

The Spirit Science #crackpot #magick #mammon youtube.com

Money and Spirituality DO go together! Come and discover how you can transform your spiritual financial paradigm today 🔮 https://www.spiritmysteries.com/SMM

Light is an essential building block of everything, if not the singular building block which creates all things. Even though from our vantage point, it may appear as though we are dense physical beings, all of the particles that make up our existence are merely a mass of light vibrating much slower and tighter together.