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Wayne Allyn Root quoting childhood best friend #fundie #magick #wingnut

And then real life story #2. My childhood best friend is a strong believer in God. But he is non-political. Yesterday he reached out to me via text to say, “I’m going to say something very odd now. I don’t believe Trump can be stopped. He’s touched by God. He’s super-human. He’s got something supernatural supporting him. I don’t think anyone can stop him. In my lifetime, I’ve never seen a human being on the earth surrounded by this supernatural force. Trump doesn’t even age like all the other presidents in history. He looks the same as 8 years ago – even after all he’s been through. He doesn’t ever get down, even though he’s taking deadly shots left and right. He’s superhuman, unstoppable, unflappable. We are witnessing a miracle.”

There are those words again- “supernatural” and “miracle.”

Do you believe in miracles? It’s time to start believing. What’s happening is supernatural. Everyone is starting to see it. Everyone is starting to believe. The signs are there. Trump is “the Chosen One.” Trump is sent by God and blessed by God.

What we are all witnessing is “The Trump Miracle.”

Wayne Allyn Root #conspiracy #wingnut

Obama also used the IRS to try to destroy his critics and opponents. I’m a witness. I was one of Obama’s victims.

Obama used the IRS to try to destroy my life. The IRS was his personal goon squad. Obama used the IRS to threaten, intimidate and terrorize conservatives and conservative non-profits.

When I went public and exposed Obama on Fox News, guess what happened next? Hundreds of GOP donors who had written checks to Mitt Romney’s campaign, contacted me to say they were also victims of IRS attacks only days after writing a check to Romney. You know what this means?

Obama used the IRS to rig the 2012 presidential race.

That was when the rigging and stealing of presidential campaigns begun. Take note President Trump. Trust me, it was Obama who came up with the plan to rig and steal your 2020 election.

Wayne Allyn Root quoting nephew #magick #wingnut

My nephew is a young doctor in California. He recently graduated medical school after being born with severe physical disabilities. He is a walking miracle and testament to the power of faith and prayer. For the past decade of college, medical school, and medical internship in California, everyone he met was a liberal Trump-hater.

48 hours ago, my nephew the doctor was working at a medical office in Los Angeles and he witnessed what he describes as a “supernatural miracle.” The news came on the television in the doctors office. The topic was Trump’s primary landslide in Michigan. He was expecting either groans, or hatred from everyone in the office. But then he witnessed something that shocked him like never before…

Someone in the office cheered Trump. And then another. And another. Soon the entire medical office was cheering and celebrating President Trump. Everyone. Patients, staff, doctors. Once they realized it was safe to express support for Trump, everyone let it all out. Everyone admitted they are on Trump’s side. In Los Angeles.

My nephew the doctor said, “Uncle Wayne, it was a miracle. I never thought I’d ever see anything like this. Something supernatural is happening.”

There’s those words again- “supernatural” and “miracle.”

Wayne Allyn Root #transphobia #wingnut

Do you think illegal aliens should get free healthcare while you pay full price for everything? Democrats think so.

Do you want to be forced by government to rent a spare bedroom in your home to an illegal alien family? Democrats think so.

Do you want your children to be encouraged at school to change their gender, or to become cross-dressers? Democrats do.

Do you think children should be able to change their gender without parental consent, under the age of 18? Democrats think so.

Do you want your daughter alone in a bathroom, or locker-room with boys, or grown men pretending to be women? Democrats think it’s just fine.

Do you think your taxpayer dollars should be spent on sex change operations in the military, or in prisons? Democrats think so.

Wayne Allyn Root #conspiracy #wingnut

How about the massive spending, welfare and debt that is crushing the US economy and producing the worst inflation in modern history. That’s not brain-dead Biden. That all started under Obama too. That’s all “Cloward-Piven.”

The open border and the mass foreign invasion of America. That’s not brain-dead Biden. It’s all Obama.

Wayne Allyn Root #conspiracy #wingnut

WAYNE ROOT: My Warning to President Trump: This Crisis & Chaos in America is All About Obama. Get Ready for What’s Coming Next. Hint: Michelle Obama.
By Assistant Editor May. 6, 2024 3:20 pm 775 Comments

imageFormer first lady Michelle Obama speaks on Jay Shetty’s podcast “On Purpose.” (Jay Shetty Podcast / YouTube screen shot)

By Wayne Allyn Root

Let’s put two and two together.

Start with what’s happening in America at this very moment.

The anarchy on college campuses. That’s not brain-dead Biden. It’s all Obama. Why do you think it’s all centered around Columbia University?

This all started at Columbia University, Class of 1983. I’m a witness. We were taught to hate America and support socialism and communism. Even back then, all my Columbia classmates wanted “Death to America.” We were taught “Cloward-Piven”- the plan to destroy America, the US economy, the great American middle class, and of course, capitalism.

Who was my college classmate back at Columbia? Obama.

The weaponization of government and persecution of President Trump. That’s not brain-dead Biden. It’s all Obama.

That all started with Obama’s presidency. Obama used the NSA and CIA to spy on Trump and then frame Trump with fake “Russian Collusion.” Just like the fake trial going on in New York right now. Take note President Trump. This is Obama going after you.

Wayne Allyn Root #conspiracy #wingnut

The border was first opened under Obama. People have short memories. It was so bad back then, I was the opening speaker for candidate Trump at the last Trump rally before the 2016 election. I warned…

“If Hillary wins, it will be the third term of Obama. He will finish the job. Obama will open the border like never before. It will be open borders on STEROIDS. He will wave millions of criminals, gangbangers, radical Islamic terrorists, and military-age males from our enemies across the globe into the USA. Between the crime, welfare, spending, debt and terrorism, we will never recover. And mark my words, millions of illegals will be allowed to vote, and no Republican will ever be elected president again. America will fall.”

No truer words were ever spoken.

It’s all happened exactly as I warned. Except Trump interrupted the plan, so it came four years later. Everything I predicted is happening right now.